• Steve Jobs apologizes for accepting improperly backdated stock options that he didn't benefit from, proving that the one time the man will admit his mistakes is when he didn't make one. [AP News]
  • Eric Schmidt tell the Financial Times, "Many of the politicians don't actually understand the phenomenon of the internet very well." Tell us something Ted Stevens didn't already show us. [Financial Times]
  • Myths of MySpace: Puppet Tom explains why MySpace won't make its users pay subscription fees. [Puppet Tom on MySpace]

  • A lawyer for HP advises examining the ethics, not the legality, of its actions. Please, as if ethics ever had anything to do with the stock price. [NY Times]
  • A Metafilter forum member asks why everyone loves Steve Wozniak. Woz himself graciously responds. [Ask Metafilter]
  • Journalist Lee Gomes has a well-written, if rough, history of the word "hacker." And if the Wall Street Journal weren't so Old Media, you could read it without a subscription. [Wall Street Journal]
  • A minor gadget blogger wins "best-illustrated tech article ever" for the picture he runs with his story, "Fonality acquires trixbox." [TMC]