
Who Not to Vote For in Tomorrow's Elections

Max Read · 09/09/13 01:17PM

Finally, tomorrow, after months of vaguely trying to follow the New York City mayoral race, millions of New Yorkers will enter ballot booths and choose their parties' mayoral candidates. Bill de Blasio? Christine Quinn? John Catsimatidis? We want Gawker readers to tell us all who we should absolutely not, under no circumstances, ever vote for, and why.

Max Read · 09/03/13 01:22PM

A new Quinnipiac poll of the New York City mayoral race has Bill de Blasio leading at 43 percent—more than double the support of Bill Thompson, at 20 percent. (Quinn trails with 18 percent.) If de Blasio can garner more than 40 percent of the vote in the primary, he can avoid a runoff.

Page Six Colorblind

abalk · 08/09/07 08:40AM

That's some good thinking by Comptroller Thompson there. We're also of the opinion that the best way to woo middle-class votes is to turn yourself white. Plus, now he can pull the "Law & Order" vote!