Finally, tomorrow, after months of vaguely trying to follow the New York City mayoral race, millions of New Yorkers will enter ballot booths and choose their parties' mayoral candidates. Bill de Blasio? Christine Quinn? John Catsimatidis? We want Gawker readers to tell us all who we should absolutely not, under no circumstances, ever vote for, and why.

We're stuck with more candidates to not vote for than ever before, and scores of reasons not to vote for them. Four years ago, our own Alex Pareene wrote an endorsement (Gawker's only?): "Don't Vote for Bloomberg." Here, in 2013, is your chance to do the same thing.

Below this post, we'd like Gawker readers to outline short anti-endorsements of their most-hated candidates—across all races, for all positions, both Republican and Democrat, ballot-line and write-in candidates alike. We especially want to hear why you hate the non-marquee candidates running for the offices no one really knows about: If you really hate your former neighbor who's running for public advocate, tell us why!

If we get good reponses, we'll post some of the non-endorsements to the front page today and tomorrow—and you will know that your years of typing words into a text field have finally effected Real Change.


1. Follow this format. To keep it easy and organized, put your endorsements in this format.

Who: The name of the bad candidate
What: The office he or she should not win.
Why: Explain, in bullet points, the reasons that people should vote against this candidate.
Disclosure: What in the city do you live, what do you do, and how long have you lived here?

2. Please don't leave direct comments on this article. If you have something you want to say that can't be said in the format above, attach it to a relevant anti-endorsement.

3. Keep it short and direct.