
Guy Busted for Bigamy After Posting Second Wedding Pics to Facebook

Adrian Chen · 03/17/11 07:28PM

34-year-old Richard Leon Barton Jr. never got around to divorcing his first wife in Rhode Island. So when he married a second woman last July in Grand Rapids, Michigan, he probably should have not posted those pictures to Facebook! His first wife became suspicious when he defriended her, so she snooped around and found his "happy wedding photos with the Grand Rapids woman on the pages of Barton's friends and family," according to The Grand Rapids Press.

Woman Discovers Her Husband's a Bigamist Through Facebook

Emily Chen · 08/03/10 04:50PM

Lynda France claims after she caught him cheating, her husband married the other woman and took their kids all while still married to her. Never put anything you don't want others to see online; it'll all be in lawsuit later.