Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL), so close to having his soon-to-be ex-wife declared a bigamist in open court, was foiled this week by the unlikeliest of opponents: a leaky breast implant.

The ugly divorce proceedings between Grayson and his wife of 24 years, Lolita Grayson, began when Lolita filed last year, the AP reports. Grayson responded with allegations that the pair were never actually married because Lolita had already been married to another man. Last March, Lolita obtained a restraining order against Grayson, claiming the congressman had shoved her. Video taken by one of Grayson's employees apparently showed Lolita was the one shoving, and no charges were ever filed.

Via the AP:

The trial had been scheduled for Thursday in Orlando but is now set for March.

Lolita Grayson had been suffering chest pains. When she went to a hospital to get checked out, she was told she needed emergency surgery to remove the leaking implants and scar tissue, according to court papers filed this week.

"Of course, if she has a true medical complication, we want her to take care of it," Grayson's attorney tells the AP. "It is ironic that in all the decades she has had the implants, on the very eve of a hearing in which there is a chance this purported marriage will be invalidated, that this issue surfaces."

[image via AP]