
The Sanders Campaign Is Dead, Long Live the Sanders Revolution

Garrett Kamps · 06/08/16 10:20AM

San Francisco’s Crissy Field is a treeless stretch of grass nestled in the armpit of the Golden Gate Bridge. The setting is picturesque, but the location—foggy, windswept, inaccessible—sucks. This did not stop Senator Bernie Sanders from summoning his supporters there on Monday, for what would turn out to be the last night, indeed, the last few minutes, during which the Vermont senator still had a shred of an excuse to remain hopeful about his prospects.

What Should Bernie Sanders Ask For? 

Hamilton Nolan · 06/08/16 09:45AM

Barring an act of god or the FBI, Bernie Sanders is not going to win the Democratic nomination. He does, however, now have a window to make some demands in exchange for his support. What should he get?

CORRECTION: The Online News Media Did a Pretty Bad Job Covering This Bernie Sanders Skydiving Story

Andy Cush · 06/03/16 12:57PM

Friday morning. America’s online content manufacturers woke up, sucked down some iced coffee, trudged into our Manhattan offices, and sat down at our laptops. Not much going on, not much to write about. A long day ahead. Then, like the sun or a septuagenarian Vermonter breaking through the clouds, there appeared a wonderful story: Bernie Sanders might be parachuting into his rally in Cloverdale, California tonight.

Bernie Really Fucked Up This Time

Ashley Feinberg · 05/25/16 04:30PM

At 3:28 p.m. today, in the year of our Lord 2016, Bernie Sanders retweeted a song called “Superdelegate” by a one Mr. Lukas Autry Nelson. After several listens, I can say with total confidence that the song is very, very bad. Demonstrably bad. Why-is-blood-streaming-from-my-ears bad. Senator Sanders, no man who makes this sort of judgment call should ever have his finger on the trigger. I’m sorry, but it’s time to step down.