Photo: AP

On Wednesday, relations between the Bernie Sanders campaign and Democratic leaders reached an embarrassing new low, resulting in the use of verbal hashtags and even accusations of shade.

Earlier this week, Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Harry Reid and other party leaders asked Sanders to condemn the behavior of his supporters at this weekend’s chaotic Nevada convention. Instead, Sanders released a statement on Tuesday denouncing violence while expressing frustration with the party’s actions in Nevada.

When asked about the growing tensions on CNN Wednesday, Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver tried to downplay conflict with the party as a whole by singling out Wasserman Schultz for “throwing shade.” From Politico:

“He categorically condemns any kind of threats that went on — absolutely unacceptable,” Weaver told CNN on Wednesday before accusing Wasserman Schultz of “throwing shade on the Sanders campaign since the very beginning,” citing a limited debate schedule that featured weekend debates, the campaign’s revoked access to its voter data and a joint fundraising agreement with Hillary Clinton’s campaign that Weaver said takes money away from state parties and goes to the DNC.

“Look, I gotta say it’s not the DNC,” Weaver added. “You know, by and large, people at the DNC have been very good to us. Debbie Wasserman Schultz really is the exception.”

Later that day, Wasserman Schultz dismissed Weaver’s comments.

“My response to that is hashtag SMH,” Wasserman Schultz told CNN. “We need to focus on one thing: get through this primary and work to prepare for the general election.”

On the bright side, at least this nomination battle doesn’t involve anyone talking about Donald Trump’s dick.