
Here's the Ben Carson Smear Email Ted Cruz's Campaign Sent to Staffers in Iowa

Jordan Sargent · 02/02/16 10:45PM

Last night in Iowa, Ted Cruz’s campaign circulated a rumor about Ben Carson quitting his campaign. The rumor turned out to be untrue, and Carson’s staff is using it to explain their poor showing in the caucus. Below, you can read the fateful email that directed Cruz volunteers to turn confused Carson supporters into defectors.

It Sure Does Seem Like Ted Cruz's Campaign Tried to Sabotage Ben Carson in Iowa

Jordan Sargent · 02/02/16 03:00PM

Ben Carson’s sinking campaign hit another low point last night when the famed surgeon finished fourth in the Iowa caucus, a good 14 points behind Marco Rubio in what appears to now be a three-person race for the Republican nomination. The Carson camp has so far offered one reason for his poor showing: a quick-spreading rumor started by Ted Cruz that Carson was dropping out of the race.

Ben Carson's Campaign Is An ATM For His Advisors

Jordan Sargent · 02/01/16 02:36PM

It is not exactly a secret that one convenient feature of Ben Carson’s political campaign is the amount of money it’s willing to pay its advisors and fundraisers. A few weeks ago, Dean Parker, Carson’s top moneyman, walked the plank after a Politico article detailed frustrations within the campaign regarding the cash funneled to companies owned by Parker and his cohorts. Now the campaign’s new FEC filing details the extent to which senior staffers are plundering the doctor’s war chest.

Ben Carson Spoke To Your Favorite Star Wars Character, Reince Pubis

Brendan O'Connor · 12/15/15 11:30PM

On Tuesday, Ben Carson said he spoke to Reince Pubis. Pubis—a plump, humanoid Jedi Master with dark red hair, and an affable scholar of Jedi history—should not be confused with Reinhold Richard “Reince” Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee.

The Dream Ticket: Trump-Carson (Independent)

Hamilton Nolan · 12/11/15 12:52PM

If listening to the current Republican presidential frontrunners speak is scaring you to death, here is something to make you feel better: there is now a semi-plausible scenario in which the entire party hilariously self-destructs.

Ben Carson's Dispatches From Jordan: Syrian Refugees Love It Here

Ashley Feinberg · 11/28/15 11:33PM

Coming off fresh from an incident in which he compared the Syrian refugees to “rabid dogs,” Ben Carson is now spending the week in Jordan, where he apparently plans to make up for his capacious lack of any sort of foreign affairs experience whatsoever with a few strategic head pats. And what has Dr. Carson learned so far? Apparently, the refugees don’t even want to come to the U.S. in the first place.

Got Trump's Video of "Thousands and Thousands" of New Jersey Residents Cheering on 9/11? We'll Pay For It

Ashley Feinberg · 11/23/15 05:38PM

On two separate occasions this weekend, increasingly less-crypto crypto-fascist Donald Trump made reference to a video of thousands of Arab-Americans in Jersey City, New Jersey cheering as the Twin Towers fell on 9/11. Thus far, absolutely no one has been able to verify this claim, most likely because the video never actually existed in the first place. But on the infinitesimally small chance it is out there and you’ve got it—we want to see it and we’re willing to pay.