
Putin and Obama Awkwardly Shake Hands in Russia

J.K. Trotter · 09/05/13 09:37AM

Russian President Vladimir Putin shook hands (and smiled) with President Obama on Thursday morning at the 2013 G-20 summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, where leaders of major countries were ostensibly meeting to discuss the stability of the global economy. The tense handshake — a controversial trope during Obama’s previous visits to Russia — underscored Putin’s interference with American foreign policy. Up until yesterday, Russia supplied arms to the Syrian government led by President Bashar al-Assad, and Putin has helped stanch a United Nations resolution to sanction military intervention in Syria, while demanding that such a resolution pass before Russia would support a U.S.-led strike.

God-Lovers Hate This Video of a Little Kid Praying to Barack Obama

Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/14/13 01:32PM

This innocent, minute-long video of a young boy saying a few kind words about President Barack Obama while closing his eyes and clasping his hands would have gone wholly unnoticed — if not for the heaving mass of True Believers who see it as an absolute sign of an impending Apocalypse.

Barack Obama Compares Protecting Civil Liberties to Doing the Dishes

Cord Jefferson · 08/09/13 03:52PM

In a lengthy press conference this afternoon, President Obama touched on everything from Russia's codified homophobia to Edward Snowden to Al-Qaeda. The strangest moment, however, came when Obama started in on a metaphor about his wife not trusting that he did the dishes, and how that is kind of like Americans not trusting their government's surveillance programs. Maybe he just needs to show everyone the dishes, you know? See how that works? No? Well, he tried.

Watch Obama Call the Prop 8 Plaintiffs on Live Television

Cord Jefferson · 06/26/13 11:16AM

Kris Perry and Sandy Stier, two of the plaintiffs who brought California's same-sex marriage ban before the Supreme Court, were discussing the court's decision with MSNBC this morning when an unexpected phone call came from on high. The next thing you knew, President Obama was on speakerphone, calling from Air Force One to congratulate the women. Jeff Zarrillo and Paul Katami, Perry and Stier's co-plaintiffs, were called over from off-camera to take part in the president's well-wishing, which was brief but kind.

Obama Boldly Calls For Basic Sanity and Human Rights

Hamilton Nolan · 05/23/13 03:18PM

In a speech interrupted by frequent heckling, President Obama today made a bold and daring call for America to try to adhere to age-old concepts of "law" and "basic human rights" in the amorphous and endless "war on terror." But might treating people "decently" threaten Our Freedoms?

Here's a Great Chance to Close Guantanamo Bay

Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/13 08:42AM

If you have a keen memory, you may recall that U.S. president and Hellfire missile proponent Barack Obama once promised to close down our prison at Guantanamo Bay, where hope and civil rights go to die. That never happened, of course. But now, Obama has a golden opportunity to shut that motherfucker down.

Watch CNN White House Reporter Jessica Yellin Say Dumb Rain Metaphors

Ken Layne · 05/16/13 01:39PM

Barack Obama's press conference today wasn't just about a couple of scandals and whatever's happening in Syria or Turkey. It was actually a metaphor, or a series of metaphors. Jessica Yellin knows this, because she was there, and she saw God punish Obama's lies with His rain.

White-Haired Obama Has "Complete Confidence" In Eric Holder

Ken Layne · 05/16/13 12:31PM

Barack Obama and a visiting foreigner just had a press conference, but nobody cares about the other country (Turkey?) because there are scandals afoot in Washington, so everything's about Eric Holder always doing terrible things. Eric Holder is Obama's friend. So he won't be fired unless all of this doesn't go away in the next couple of news cycles.