
Poor Joe Biden Can't Get Anybody To Buy His Book

Ken Layne · 05/16/13 11:46AM

Everybody claims to love Joe Biden, but in fact nobody wants to hear his story. They just want to objectify him as the "cool old creep" who somehow became vice president. If people truly cared about Joe Biden, he would've made a lot more than "less than $201" on book sales.

IRS Didn't Just Hunt the Tea Party: Liberal Churches Also Targets

Ken Layne · 05/13/13 03:07PM

Republicans are still furious over IRS scrutiny of non-profit groups with "Tea Party" and "patriots" in their names, but the life of the scandal depends entirely upon the political affiliation of the hundreds of other groups investigated by tax officials.

Tea Party Furious Over IRS Thinking Tea Party Sounds Political

Ken Layne · 05/10/13 01:57PM

Tea Party conservatives are furious over the IRS admission that self-declared non-profit groups with the words "Tea Party" or "Patriots" in their names were checked for political activity not allowed by the rules for 501(c) not-for-profit organizations. What's wrong with a good charity named Tea Party Patriots, anyway? It's not like such groups would engage in election year political activity or anything, right?

President Obama Vows to Get a Tattoo If His Daughters Do

Neetzan Zimmerman · 04/24/13 12:46PM

In interview footage that aired on this morning's Today Show alongside the highly anticipated first sit-down with former news anchor A.J. "Fucking Shit" Clemente, President Barack Obama talked about life at the White House, his wife's verbal mishaps, and disciplining his children.

Poisonous Ricin Found in Letter Addressed to Obama

Max Read · 04/17/13 10:35AM

A letter addressed to President Obama that was intercepted after a "suspicious substance" was detected has tested positive for ricin, the same substance found on a letter to Mississippi Senator Roger Wicker yesterday, the Dow Jones news wire is reporting.

President Obama: "Any Responsible People or Groups Will Feel the Full Weight of Justice"

Kate Bennert · 04/15/13 05:42PM

President Obama held a no-nonsense press conference moments ago where he promised to bring any responsible parties to justice, but clarified that they had no information yet on who those responsible parties might be. He expressed sympathy for the victims, stating that he and Michelle are sending their "deepest thought and prayers to the families of the victims," and assured us that Boston would have every single federal resource available to them. If only it didn't seem as if the President had addressed the nation in a time of tragedy far too many times in recent history.

Cord Jefferson · 04/12/13 02:20PM

The Obamas made $609,000 in 2012, the lowest sum they've earned since Barack took office. Their tax bill was $112,214.

Justin Timberlake Leads the Obamas In a Charming Otis Redding Sing-Along

Maggie Lange · 04/10/13 11:05AM

Last night, President Obama and the First Lady hosted the 10th concert in the In Performance at the White House series. Justin Timberlake, professional charmer and sometimes-crooner, encouraged his hosts to join him for Otis Redding's "Sitting on the Dock of the Bay." Timberlake appealed to the whole ragtag bunch of fancy concert-goers by cajoling: "Mr. President, everybody, come on!"

Hacked Emails Show Hillary Clinton Was Receiving Advice at a Private Email Account From Banned, Obama-Hating Former Staffer

John Cook · 03/20/13 03:39PM

As the Smoking Gun and others have reported, a hacker calling himself (or herself) "Guccifer" claims to have compromised the email account of former Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal, revealing memos that Blumenthal purportedly wrote to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about Benghazi and other matters. What seems to have escaped notice is that Blumenthal, a fierce Clinton partisan in the 1990s, was the orchestrator of a subterranean smear campaign against Obama during the Democratic primary and was specifically spiked by the White House as a potential staffer for Clinton when she became Secretary of State. And he was sending notes to Clinton at a private, non-governmental email address. Did Obama know Clinton was consulting with the guy who tried to kneecap him?

Robert Kessler · 02/14/13 03:59PM

In about an hour, President Obama will be holding a Google Hangout. You can watch it here.

ABC to Air Disturbing New Footage of Fort Hood Massacre, Interviews with 'Betrayed' Survivors

Robert Kessler · 02/12/13 01:12PM

On tonight's World News with Diane Sawyer, ABC will air several interviews with victims of the 2009 Fort Hood massacre, as well as graphic video showing the chaos in the immediate aftermath of the shooting. The video is incredibly disturbing, and shows bodies of the dead and injured scattered across the floor, pools of blood everywhere. What the victims have to say is equally impactful.

BFFs Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Say Giddy Goodbye on 60 Minutes

Max Read · 01/27/13 08:49PM

Tonight on 60 Minutes, with Steve Kroft playing Andy Cohen to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's Real Housewives, the president and the secretary of state had the reunion episode of their terrific show Barack Obama's First Term. And boy, were they complimentary of one another:

Your Inauguration 2013 Yearbook

Robert Kessler · 01/21/13 05:50PM

Today Washington, D.C. was all atwitter with the graduation of President Obama from first-term president to second-term president. Here is your Inauguration 2013 yearbook.