
Barack Obama Made More Money Than You Did Last Year

Jim Newell · 04/18/11 02:18PM

The White House has released Barack and Michelle Obama's 2010 tax returns! These grifters really cashed in, too: $1,728,096 in adjusted gross income, mostly from book royalties. How much did you poor slugs make last year in the last remaining American profession, selling handjobs outside the T.G.I. Friday's? Probably not $1,728,096 in adjusted gross income! We need a fellow poor guy like Donald Trump in the Oval Office, soon.

Cocksure President Obama Simply Ignoring 'Czar' Cuts

Jim Newell · 04/18/11 11:26AM

President Obama pledged not to attach any signing statements, or little notes saying you'll ignore certain legislative language on constitutional grounds, to new laws back when he was a candidate. He broke that pledge in about two seconds. And in his latest signing statement — appended to the just-passed budget deal to fund the government through September — Obama announced that he's just going to ignore that bit of legislative language defunding his "czars," a terribly Russian term for "advisers."

Overheard: Obama's Private Conversation with Donors

Jim Newell · 04/15/11 12:53PM

Sneaky CBS Radio News reporter Mark Knoller listened in to a private chat between the president and elite donors following a Chicago fundraiser last night. The president had no idea that this reporter could still hear the feed! Naughty Mark Knoller. Anyway, what's the dirt?

House Passes Budget Deal

Jim Newell · 04/14/11 02:46PM

Confusing math problems weren't enough to stop the House from passing the Obama-Boehner budget compromise on a bipartisan vote of 260-167 this afternoon. Passage in the Senate will be easy, and President Obama will sign it.

Arizona's 'Birther Bill' Will Also Accept Penis Certificates

Jim Newell · 04/14/11 02:15PM

America's festering cauldron of endless misery and abandoned housing tracts, Arizona, is back in the national political news. Don't click away yet! The state is merely trying to ensure that certain biracial Kenyan-Indonesian presidential candidates aren't hiding their shameful biracial Kenyan-Indonesian births when they run for office, okay? So let's take a look at the Donald Trump-endorsed "Arizona Birther Bill," which passed the state Senate yesterday.

Bizarre Fox News Story Connects Student Suicide to Obama Speech

Jim Newell · 04/14/11 01:45PM

Fox News' "America's Election HQ" website published one of those "wacky coincidence" stories yesterday that will make you want to take a cold shower or seven after reading: A student at George Washington University committed suicide yesterday, just as President Obama was giving his major deficit-reduction speech at another campus building. Not that there was anything linking the events, but apparently it was enough of a nutty coincidence for Fox News to make note of it as important political news. Ick.

Jon Stewart Challenges Donald Trump on Birther Claims

Matt Cherette · 04/13/11 11:17PM

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've undoubtedly seen Donald Trump spouting his "Obama wasn't born in this country" nonsense all over the place in recent weeks. Tonight, using the unlikeliest of allies—Michele Bachmann! Bill O'Reilly!—Jon Stewart put Trump's ridiculousness into perspective.

A Summary of Barack Obama's Deficit Reduction Plan

Jim Newell · 04/13/11 01:18PM

The framework for deficit reduction President Obama will lay out Wednesday is a mixed bag for members of his party. It borrows heavily in some areas from the conservative-leaning Bowles-Simpson recommendation, but commits elsewhere to enhancing the cost-cutting programs in the health care law and rejects Republican proposals to privatize entitlements, or maintain or reduce the tax burden on the upper class.

Oprah to Interview the Obamas

Seth Abramovitch · 04/13/11 02:36AM

Barack and Michelle Obama will return to their old stomping grounds to tape an episode of Oprah on April 27, airing May 2. It's one of Oprah's last broadcasts, and should be a good one. But is she in? [Tribune]

Washington's Hellish Debt Ceiling Debate Begins

Jim Newell · 04/11/11 03:05PM

Fresh off last week's down-to-the-wire spending showdown, President Obama and Speaker John Boehner are locking horns again on fiscal matters — and this time the stakes for the U.S. economy are even more monumental.

Sarah Palin Supports Donald Trump's Birther Quest

Max Read · 04/10/11 11:19AM

Former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin believes President Obama was born in Hawaii. She said so just yesterday! But even so, she "appreciates" failed businessman Donald Trump's (very public) quest to discover the president's true origins.

Obama Drops By Lincoln Memorial to Make Sure It's Still Open

Max Read · 04/09/11 03:29PM

Like many of us, President Obama woke up on Saturday morning not completely sure of what had happened the night before—had he averted a government shutdown? "There's only one way to make sure," Ax told him over the phone. "You have to go to the Lincoln Memorial and see if it's open."