
Obama Buddy Arrested in Prostitution Sting

Max Read · 04/06/11 08:36PM

Bobby Titcomb, a close friend of President Obama, was arrested on Monday evening in a Honolulu prostitution sting that used a fake escort website.

Obama Summons Congressional Children to Principal's Office

Jim Newell · 04/06/11 05:08PM

The president has convened a late night (for Washington) meeting tonight to solve the budget crisis before tomorrow night's government shutdown. 8:45 p.m. White House. Harry Reid and John Boehner will be there. Will you? Obviously not, because you're just some random person reading this website.

Is This Government Shutdown Gonna Happen or What?

Jim Newell · 04/05/11 02:30PM

Funding for the federal government will only last three more days, and leaders of both parties say they have no interest in working out a stop-gap measure for another week or two. "Secret negotiations led by Joe Biden" — which in the late '70s, at least, was Capitol Police code for late night swingers' parties in the Congressional Gym — haven't proven to be very successful. Will these dumpheads ever agree on a compromise to their $30-$60 billion in harsh social services cuts that won't have any significant effect on budgets during a time with massive unemployment and suffering and death everywhere?

White House Constructing 'Mysterious Tunnel' to Obama's Evil Lair

Jim Newell · 04/04/11 03:26PM

A major construction project has begun around the West Wing of the White House, shrouding a "expanding and sometimes earsplitting zone of excavation" with plywood fences. This "overdue upgrade of underground utilities," according to the AP, will take years to complete.

Khalid Sheik Mohammed Won't Be Tried in New York After All

Jim Newell · 04/04/11 01:17PM

The Obama Administration will announce this afternoon what's been expected for about a year now: Self-described 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed won't be tried in a New York civilian court as originally planned and instead will go before a military commission at Guantanamo Bay. That's an unusual way to follow up the PR blitz surrounding your campaign launch, isn't it? By caving? No! Shut up! Fewer questions, more donations!

Barack Obama Launches His (Terribly Expensive) Reelection Bid

Jim Newell · 04/04/11 11:41AM

President Obama has officially filed the paperwork for his 2012 reelection bid, as you may have been notified by email, text, tweet, second email, carrier pigeon, secret government brainwave transmission, and so on. The announcements comes with this video of campaign supporters urging you to begin constant grassroots organizing efforts, immediately. The campaign website asks "Are you in?" and urges you to "Get In with Facebook."

Obama Will Announce 2012 Campaign Next Week

Adrian Chen · 04/02/11 04:03PM

Absolutely no one is on pins and needles over whether Barack Obama will seek reelection. But let's try to get excited about him announcing next week that he'll run for President again. It means he really likes working with us!

Barack Obama Can Just Ignore White Voters Now

Jim Newell · 04/01/11 03:09PM

Even when Democrats' fortunes tumble spectacularly in the short-term, the party can always remind itself that national demographic trends favor them in the end. Many, many old white people will die soon enough. This generation's youth voters are lopsidedly liberal. Meanwhile, Hispanics — who've voted strongly for Democrats in the last two elections after mainstream Republican rhetoric took a sharply nativist turn in 2007 — will occupy a larger and ever growing percentage of the American population. Throw in reliable support from 80-90% of African Americans, and the Democratic party could be dominant in the not-too-distant future.

Friendly Republicans Produce Obama's First 2012 Campaign Ad

Jim Newell · 04/01/11 11:02AM

Hey now wait a minute. Why would the National Republican Senatorial Committee produce a campaign ad supporting Barack Obama... unless... Oh, right, it's April 1 and everyone tells lies all day. Then again, this video appears to have been uploaded on March 31, so maybe the NRSC really does want Obama to win in 2012. That would be nuts. You can watch the ad and decide. Obama rides a unicorn over a rainbow and suggests boosting oil imports from Brazil, though not in the same shot.

Obama to World: 'I Have My Own Computer'

Seth Abramovitch · 03/30/11 09:58PM

During an interview on Monday, Univision news anchor Jorge Ramos asked President Barack Obama whether or not he had his own computer, eliciting the sassy retort above. He's the freaking POTUS. Of course he has his own computer! That the interview happened to be part of a town hall for students, parents and teachers at Bell Multicultural High School, in D.C.'s Columbia Heights, kind of works against the whole cool-factor, however: Now every teenager in America can say, "I was just trying to be more like the President!" the next time they respond to a teacher's earnest query by cracking wise in class. [via The Daily What]

Jon Stewart Criticizes President Obama's Libya Strategy

Matt Cherette · 03/29/11 10:26PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart opened with a segment about President Obama's address to the nation (given last night) about America's mission in Libya. Apparently, Stewart isn't too keen on Obama's explanations—or the timing of them.

Barack Obama Expected to Run for President in 2012, Too

Jim Newell · 03/29/11 12:56PM

National Journal reports that President Obama is "fewer than three weeks away from formally announcing his reelection campaign." There will be a special YouTube video in honor of the occasion, and maybe some other stuff! (A piñata perhaps?)

Jon Stewart Criticizes GE, Obama Over Tax Issues

Matt Cherette · 03/28/11 10:20PM

Tonight, during Jon Stewart's "I Give Up!" segment, the Daily Show host discussed the news that GE paid no federal income tax for 2010, despite $14.2 billion in profits. Stewart also took aim at President Obama and NBC News.

Obama Explains Why We're Dropping Bombs on Libya

Max Read · 03/28/11 08:05PM

Every once in a while, President Obama has to explain to the nation why he's doing stuff. He doesn't want to do it, because you guys annoy him, and you don't want to listen to it, because Dancing With the Stars is on. But this is how democracy works! And we are currently dropping bombs on Libya, a country (?) in Africa (?), and it is important that you know why we are doing such a thing, because otherwise George Will or someone will whine forever and ever, and also, your tax dollars something something.