
Did Obama Walk Out on the Republicans?

Max Read · 07/13/11 08:06PM

Like everyone else, we miss The West Wing. But it's okay! Democrats and Republicans are trying to put on their own community-theater version of the television program in Washington right now: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor interrupts the president! President Obama storms out of the meeting! And Donna is the victim of a hilarious misunderstanding!

Jon Stewart: Republicans Acting Like Spoiled Children in Budget Fight

Matt Cherette · 07/12/11 10:30PM

Jon Stewart opened the Daily Show tonight by observing that President Obama once again had to come out yesterday and hold a press conference to shame Congress into agreeing on a solution to the dispute over the U.S. budget. In the process, Stewart realized that Republicans—and House Speaker John Boehner in particular—are trying to get away with having their cake and eating it, too. Video of the segment is above.

Obama's Press Conference: The Time Has Come to Eat Peas

Jim Newell · 07/11/11 12:04PM

Barack Obama performed the latest scene in his ongoing "last reasonable man in Washington" reelection act today, during an impromptu White House press conference following the latest semi-failure of a debt ceiling meeting. Democrats need to untwist their panties about cutting entitlements. Republicans need to stop being monsters. John Boehner, though, is a great guy. C'mon, people: let's stop the nonsense and eat some goddamn peas.

Obama's Laser-like Focus on Jobs Paid Off With a Whopping 18,000 New Ones Last Month

John Cook · 07/08/11 11:05AM

The new monthly jobs report is out, and guess what? Unemployment is up to 9.2%, the economy only added 18,000 jobs (one-tenth of the number needed to find jobs for all the poor saps entering the workforce right now), we created 44,000 fewer jobs than we thought in April and May, 14.1 million Americans are out of work, and roving bandit gangs are lighting tire fires in the street outside your house right now.

Barack Obama Tears Down Reagan-Era Tree

Jim Newell · 07/07/11 04:40PM

Why is the White House tearing down a 50-foot-tall elm tree from the White House grounds today? Some might say it's because of a recent thunderstorm that twisted and bent the tree into a life-threatening position for passersby. A likely excuse.

Democrats Stunned by Latest White House Debt Proposal

Jim Newell · 07/07/11 02:41PM

Multiple senior House Democratic aides tell TPM that caucus members were caught off guard by news stories about President Obama's push for deeper deficit and spending reductions — and particularly about the White House's willingness to cut Social Security as part of a grand bargain to raise the debt limit.

When to Freak Out About a Hacker Attack

Adrian Chen · 07/07/11 06:30AM

This summer it seems every day brings dire news of a new data breach perpetrated by shadowy hackers. For those prone to panic, it might be enough to end in a hospital visit. But there's no need to freak out about every single attack reported by a hacker-obsessed media.

Obama Won't Stop Until Every Classroom Has 'Internets'

Matt Cherette · 07/07/11 03:02AM

During President Obama's "Twitter Town Hall" at the White House today, we learned he has more in common with George W. Bush than just the desire to prolong various wars in the Middle East. Because like Bush—who once demanded that "there's Internets" in every classroom—Obama also has a propensity for unnecessary pluralization.

Barack Obama Narrates Avant-Garde Prose Poem

Max Read · 07/06/11 10:35PM

President Obama has a wonderful, versatile voice, and it's a shame that it's wasted on things like convincing Democrats to cut Social Security. Luckily, musician and Something Awful forum poster Dan Warren has spent four years making sure that Obama's voice doesn't go to waste—cutting and editing snippets from the audio recording of his book Dreams From My Father into a... well, we're not sure. Performance piece? Spoken word recording?

Obama Gingerly Interacts with the Common Twitter User

Adrian Chen · 07/06/11 03:10PM

Today was Obama's big Twitter debut. He sent his first tweet during a "Twitter Townhall" at the White House, and through the power of social media, he connected with everyday Americans like John Boehner and Times Columnist Nick Kristoff.

No, Andrew Cuomo Will Not Be Your New Vice Presidential Candidate

Jim Newell · 07/05/11 03:19PM

Few rituals these past couple of years have been more fruitless and illogical than pretending that Barack Obama will pick a new vice presidential candidate for 2012, rested on the notion that such a move would in any way be helpful. Is Joe Biden, in any meaningful sense, a political liability for Barack Obama? Would the switch from one centrist Democrat to another really trick the broad middle of America's electorate into forgetting about our shitty economy?

Obama Assassinated, According to Hacked Fox News Twitter

Max Read · 07/04/11 08:33AM

The Fox News Politics Twitter account was hacked early this morning, and a number of Tweets claiming that President Obama had been assassinated were sent out. Fox has acknowledged the hack, but apparently still can't access the account—as of this post, the Tweets still haven't been taken down.

Mitt Romney and How Obama Made the Recession 'Worse'

Jim Newell · 07/01/11 03:04PM

Oh good heavens, it looks like we've got some trouble in Mittens Land. The presidential candidate formerly known as Willard Romney has been yapping to anyone who'll listen that President Obama made the recession "worse" since coming into office. This is a defensible line under the loose standards of Republican primary campaign rhetoric; he could argue that Obama's policies on net hampered what would've been a quicker recovery. Could. So is this a line that he egregiously lied about ever saying yesterday? It's tricky!

Jon Stewart: Mark Halperin Calling Obama a Dick 'One of the Greatest Things I've Ever Seen'

Matt Cherette · 07/01/11 04:14AM

Mark Halperin was suspended indefinitely by MSNBC yesterday for calling President Obama "a dick" during a live episode of Morning Joe. Schadenfreude at its finest! As Jon Stewart pointed out on last night's Daily Show, though, Halperin's actual comment—which Stewart called "one of the greatest things I've ever seen in my life"—paled in comparison to the awkward, Willie Geist-supervised apology that followed it.

Mark Halperin Calls Obama 'A Dick'

Hamilton Nolan · 06/30/11 09:06AM

Mark Halperin, the always-wrong journopundit who serves as a frequent MSNBC talking head, was on Morning Joe this morning—where, naturally, he was whining about how mean the president was to the simpering DC press corps during his press conference yesterday. "Are we on the seven second delay? I wanted to characterize how I thought the president behaved," said Halperin, setting up what you knew would be one whopper of a funny joke.

Jon Stewart Ribs Obama, Congress for Fighting Over the Economy

Matt Cherette · 06/29/11 10:59PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart opened with a segment about President Obama's press conference earlier today and his fight with Congress over its refusal to reach a compromise that would raise the nation's debt ceiling. How much confidence does Stewart have in our elected officials to put their petty differences aside? He ended the segment with "Armageddon, here we come," so, yeah, not much.

Obama Gets Malia's Age Wrong—Twice

Matt Cherette · 06/29/11 10:05PM

During his big press conference today, President Obama was asked about Congress' refusal thus far to raise the nation's debt ceiling. After imploring Republican lawmakers to stop procrastinating and "get this done," Obama took a shot at them by praising his daughters' study habits: "Malia and Sasha generally finish their homework a day ahead of time. Malia's 13, Sasha's 10... they don't wait until the night before!"