
Senator Shares Fantasy About Playing Basketball with Obama

Jim Newell · 07/28/11 03:43PM

Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts thought it would be a good — again, that's good — idea yesterday to ramble for 10+ minutes yesterday on the Senate floor about his fantasy game of basketball with President Obama, during which they would discuss policy. This is the only way to get the president's attention, he larfed. Hehe, yesiree. What?

Stephen Colbert Reads Off His Bucket List for America

Matt Cherette · 07/26/11 11:51PM

Much like Jon Stewart earlier this evening, Stephen Colbert took aim at President Obama's primetime address on the debt crisis on tonight's Report. After telling viewers that he expects America will default next Tuesday, he pointed out that the disastrous scenario has a silver lining: America has an entire week to finish off its bucket list! Video of the segment is above.

Jon Stewart to President Obama: 'It's Like You've Given Up'

Matt Cherette · 07/26/11 10:44PM

One day after lambasting Congress for letting partisan interests get in the way of solving the debate over raising the nation's debt ceiling, Jon Stewart opened tonight's Daily Show with an equally critical take on President Obama's address to the nation yesterday. Video of the segment, during which Stewart took particular issue with Obama's suggestion that the American people take matters into their own hands to solve the crisis, is above.

Obama Incites Masses into Destroying Congressional Phone System

Jim Newell · 07/26/11 11:23AM

At the end of last night's fluffy-duffy speech to the public about the debt ceiling, President Obama urged everyone to call their representatives to request his "balanced" approach to deficit reduction, which apparently means $3 trillion dollars in spending cuts along with zero dollars in new tax revenue. What the hell was he talking about? Who cares! Because people too his cue, and are now breaking the phone system.

Jon Stewart to Congress: 'Just Get the Fuck Out'

Matt Cherette · 07/25/11 10:54PM

The stalemate between congressional Republicans and Democrats over raising the nation's debt ceiling has gotten so bad that President Obama addressed the nation tonight in an attempt to publicly shame them into reaching a deal. And on tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart angrily piled on Obama's message with an anti-Congress rant of his own. Video of the segment is above.

Obama Certifies End of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

Jim Newell · 07/22/11 04:13PM

President Obama certified the Pentagon's official notice of readiness to end the ban on gays in the military today. Members of the armed forces can start shouting about their gayness from the highest Afghani hilltops on September 20.

Are Obama and Boehner Nearing a Debt Deal?

Jim Newell · 07/21/11 03:22PM

Word has been trickling in from a variety of sources all day about the basic outline of a deficit-reduction deal that President Obama and Speaker John Boehner are nearing. While both sides are denying it in their preferred arenas — the White House through its spokesperson at a press conference, John Boehner with a telephone call to Rush Limbaugh — it still seems like we've got our hands on the latest trial balloon! Summary: It sucks for Democrats.

Obama Endorses 'Respect for Marriage' Act

Jim Newell · 07/19/11 02:40PM

White House press secretary Jay Carney broke a bit of news in today's briefing: President Obama publicly supports the Respect for Marriage Act, which would repeal all three sections of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. Not really shocking, since he's been against DOMA since his earliest days on the campaign trail, but this endorsement of the actual repeal bill will help draw attention to the Senate hearing on it that's scheduled for tomorrow.

Jon Stewart Explains Why Republicans Won't Work with Obama

Matt Cherette · 07/18/11 10:55PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart spent all the time he didn't use interviewing Daniel Radcliffe talking about the never-ending debt ceiling negotiations between President Obama and Republican Congressional leaders. So what's the holdup? As Stewart explains in the above video, it's because Republicans hate Obama—but not because he's black. They hate him because he's a tax-hiking crazy person!

The Great Debt Ceiling Deadline-Obama Birthday Party Conspiracy

Max Read · 07/18/11 10:18PM

The deadline for raising the debt ceiling—after which the U.S. is likely to default—is August 2. President Obama's birthday is August 4. Coincidence? Not according to America's stupidest congressman, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R - Texas)!

President Obama Told a Joke Today and Nobody Laughed

Matt Cherette · 07/18/11 09:52PM

Poor President Obama just can't catch a break. Earlier today, the president entered the White House Rose Garden to announce that he'd tapped Richard Cordray to head the newly formed Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. But then he told a bad joke about Cordray's past as a Jeopardy! contestant. And nobody laughed. And it was sad.

Meet Obama's Fancy Celebrity 'Bundlers'

Jim Newell · 07/15/11 04:07PM

So, campaign finance! Perhaps in need of some constitutional reform, hmm? But for now, the rules of the game for presidential campaigns are that you call all of your rich friends and have them bundle donations from their rich friends, "sometimes" in exchange for access or favors for everyone in this elaborate network of rich friends. So who's on the just-released Obama bundler list?

Jon Stewart Criticizes Obama for 'Weak' Debt Talks Performance

Matt Cherette · 07/14/11 11:35PM

Negotiations between President Obama and Republican congressional leaders over the nation's debt ceiling hit a roadblock yesterday with reports of Obama storming out of a meeting and telling House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, "Don't call my bluff." And while many praised Obama for standing up to the Republicans, Jon Stewart had a more critical opinion of the president's actions on tonight's Daily Show.

Barack Obama Is Totally Biased Against Fox News

John Cook · 07/14/11 04:34PM

Remember when Fox News whined that the White House tried to ice them out of an interview with a Treasury Department official that everyone else got to talk to? And the White House denied it? Well, Judicial Watch used the Freedom of Information Act to get emails of White House staffers planning the event, and it turns out they were totally lying! They hate Fox News and think Brett Baier is a "lunatic," which he absolutely is, because he works for Fox News.

Obama's 50th Birthday Is the Easiest Fundraising Opportunity Ever

Jim Newell · 07/14/11 02:48PM

President Obama will become a Man, finally, when he turns 50 on August 4 — the same day our first post-debt ceiling deadline interest payment is due! Yikes, let's forget about that. Because Obama will have some other priorities on this day of days: raking in as much money as possible for his campaign. You can't turn him down on his birthday, either; it would be against the Geneva Conventions, maybe.

Michele Bachmann's Gay Stepsister Attended Obama's Inauguration

Maureen O'Connor · 07/14/11 01:38PM

Years ago, Michele Bachmann's openly gay stepsister Helen LaFave protested at one of Michele's anti-gay rallies. Since then, Helen has kept a low profile, but she continues to support liberal politics: Salon's Natasha Lennard recently uncovered a video of Helen and long-term partner Nia Wronski attending Obama's 2009 presidential inauguration. The duo got their tickets "through one of the congresspeople" and drove for two days "with six family members."

No One Wants to Have a Fun Camp David Sleepover Party with Obama

Jim Newell · 07/14/11 01:21PM

President Obama, who deservedly hates his life right now, extended congressional leaders an invitation to his swanky mountain retreat at Camp David as a way to finish debt ceiling negotiations in private. But maybe also as a way to get drunk and party in the mountains? We're just trying to figure out a compelling reason to allow so many assholes into your vacation home. But no one wants to go, anyway. Ouch!