
Meet the Hot Banker Allegedly Fired For Being Too Hot

Maureen O'Connor · 06/02/10 03:31PM

"Everything about Debrahlee Lorenzana is hot. Even her name sizzles," writes the Voice in a profile of the hot banker fired for being "too distracting for her male colleagues to bear." Her lawyer even has photographic evidence of said hotness.

Rich Kids Win the Schools

Hamilton Nolan · 03/08/10 09:46AM

Rejoice, Americans in favor of education: business school grads are having an easier time finding investment banking jobs now. USA education reform= done! The other half of this plan is that regular (non-business) school kids now have 20% less school.

Sinister Bankers With Sinister Names Plot at Davos

Ravi Somaiya · 01/29/10 07:50AM

Oswald Gruebel (villainous name), Josef Ackermann (also scary) and... Brian Moynihan (Queens cop), the heads of UBS, Deutsche Bank and Bank of America had a shadowy meeting at the world economic forum. They discussed how to "reassert their influence with regulators and governments." Also known as taking over the world. [Bloomberg]

All Americans Now in Prison Industry, One Way or Another

Hamilton Nolan · 12/09/09 02:49PM

The Way We Live Now: In prison. Although if we can hold on for a few more years of economic doom, the jail might crumble, from neglect! In the meantime: We stand in solidarity with our oppressed brethren, bankers.

Your Tax Dollars at Work

John Cook · 07/21/09 03:22PM

The St. Regis Monarch Beach, the rich-people hotel that AIG executives partied at after getting all their bailout money, couldn't pay its bills and so now a bailed-out Citigroup owns it. And it's losing money. Your money.

New York's Pretty Young Things Are Turning to Crime

John Cook · 07/21/09 11:42AM

Robin Katz is a "sexy 25-year-old financial planner working at Chase's Midtown headquarters," according to the New York Post, who allegedly ripped off a client to the tune of $110,000 so she could spend it "shopping" and "going out."