
Teen Claims Krokodil Ate Her Genitals

Neetzan Zimmerman · 12/09/13 05:03PM

A 17-year-old girl has reportedly suffered horrific injuries as a result of injecting the infamous flesh-eating drug krokodil directly into her genitals.

Two Women Twerk on Subway Tracks Because #YOLO

Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/26/13 06:18PM

In the spirit of living once and dying young, two female subway patrons decided to pass the time by jumping onto the track bed and twerking their improvident hearts out.

Girl Sticks Bare Butt on Electric Fence, Gets Crap for It

Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/11/13 03:07PM

This video of a young woman participating in the "electric fence challenge" — hey, does anyone remember not injuring yourself for a few minutes of Internet fame? — is officially titled "girl's bum on electric fence challange [sic] goes wrong."

No More Casinos, Please

Hamilton Nolan · 11/04/13 03:04PM

Tomorrow, New Yorkers will vote on whether or not to allow "as many as seven Las Vegas-style casinos" to be built in New York. Supporters say it's a great way to raise money for schools. Wrong.

Husband Kicked Out by Wife After Leaving Stupid Comment on Website

Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/01/13 08:41AM

If you're going to leave a lascivious comment underneath a gallery of glamour model lingerie pics informing the world that you're willing to leave your loving family for just "one night" with the gallery's subject, make sure your comments aren't linked to your Facebook account.