
More States Are Looking for Old-School Ways to Kill Prisoners

Adam Weinstein · 01/23/14 03:37PM

For centuries, we Americans have sought easier ways to kill our convicts. Lethal injection had been the gold standard for sending toughs to oblivion. But amid a sudden spate of botched shots and poison shortages, what are we to do? Let's go back to guns, gas and zap juice!

Fraternity Suspended For Whitest MLK "Black Out" Party Ever

Adam Weinstein · 01/21/14 11:15AM

College is a time for exposure to different cultures, tastes, points of view. It's a great opportunity to put yourself in another's shoes. Let's go back to college now, and try to understand where Arizona State's Tau Kappa Epsilon chapter was coming from when it threw this "MLK Black Party."

Israelis Hate Being Called Nazis, So They're Banning the Word "Nazi"

Adam Weinstein · 01/16/14 09:37AM

Call Israelis "the strongest democrats in the Middle East." Call them complex and fractious. Call them militarized tools with racist streaks who expand their territory at the expense of peoples they consider inferior. Only don't call them Nazis, because they will totally throw you in jail!

Georgetown Prof: Assassinating Obama Isn't the Worst Idea in the World

Adam Weinstein · 01/14/14 01:08PM

Michael Scheuer has long been a grenade-tosser, from his days as a CIA officer to his anonymous 2004 broadside against the war on terror, "Imperial Hubris." Now, the Georgetown instructor has fine-tuned his argument: Barack Obama and U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron are legitimate targets for assassination.

School Board Member Quits Over His Planned Sandy Hook Ammo Handout

Adam Weinstein · 01/09/14 01:33PM

All Gregory Beck wanted to do was honor the 26 victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre the best way he knew how: by giving out ammunition to the gun-nuts he knew for 26 days straight. But you people can't tolerate a sense of humor in a school board member, can you?

Where Is Your King, America?

Adam Weinstein · 01/03/14 12:23PM

"To make us love our country, our country ought to be lovely," Edmund Burke wrote. Easy for him to say: He was English. Who doesn't love being ruled by a patrilineal order of puffy gilded-crowned pure-breeds? Americans, that's who. But dammit, this anti-monarchism is just killing us, according to Politico Magazine.

Adam Weinstein · 12/17/13 10:37AM

Florida's Republican House speaker-to-be is tweeting the many holiday blessings his ilk has given the Sunshine State, including the ability to gun anyone down at will. As one reporter responded: "In the run up to Xmas, FL gave to me: politicians pandering paranoia. Happy Bday, Jesus, U have no duty 2 retreat."