You're babysitting a 3-year-old, and she poops in the bathtub. Do you A) Hold her down and make her eat own feces, or B) Literally anything else? An Arizona woman reportedly chose the first option while watching her boyfriend's kids last week.

The three children were with their father and his girlfriend, Nicole Candelaria, 27, for six days. When they came home Friday, the three-year-old told her mom that she had pooped in the tub, then Candelaria got angry and forced her to eat it. She also said Candelaria held her down on the toilet and put soap in her mouth.

The other two children, ages 3 and 5, confirmed her story, according to court paperwork.

The girl was examined at a hospital, where doctors found bruises on her chest, back, sides, and legs.

Candelaria told police the little girl is a habitual liar, and claimed the injuries occurred while the two were play-fighting. She did admit to giving the kids a bath on Friday.

She's now in a Tempe jail, charged with one count of domestic child abuse.

[H/T Opposing Views, Photo: Maricopa County Sheriff's Office]