
Man Calls 911 for Ride to Liquor Store

Max Read · 08/04/10 09:54PM

If you're too drunk to drive, it's a good idea to call a friend for a ride. It's not a good idea to call 911. Three times. For a ride to the liquor store.

Burglar Used Crucifix to Rob Church

Maureen O'Connor · 07/21/10 03:53PM

A Florida man broke into a church to steal its donations. But the box was locked and since he didn't have a crowbar, he was forced to improvise: He used the crucifix. Does that mean God was on his side?

Deranged Old People Demand Right to Survive in NYC

Hamilton Nolan · 07/19/10 10:12AM

New York City has long been refreshingly free of elderly people, thanks to a "go-go" pace that guarantees they will be mugged at least twice per year. Now, however, NYC olds are demanding preposterous concessions from the rest of us.

Is the 'TV Hat' the Stupidest Invention of 2010?

Brian Moylan · 07/09/10 12:49PM

Since there aren't any more Snuggie jokes to be made, Americans have moved on to ironically loving a new ridiculous product: the TV Hat. Can we all agree to stop wasting our money on this crap?

Armed Flying Robots Coming Soon To Friendly American Skies

Jeff Neumann · 06/14/10 04:52AM

Unmanned drones are convenient: You can kill bad people from thousands of feet in the air without having to see the whites of their eyes, or track down the license plate number of a speeding car... let law enforcement decide!

Father Tries to Auction Off Eight-Year-Old Son

Max Read · 05/27/10 12:59AM

According to The Sun, a Chinese father chained his son to a lamppost and tried to auction him off, advertising his work ethic. After being asked about the child's diet, the father was attacked by bystanders. [The Sun]