
Tweeting Fine of $25,000 Looms Over Canadians

Ryan Tate · 04/21/11 12:16PM

Canada's parliamentary election next month will be governed by a 1938 law banning the "premature transmission" of results from one end of the country to the other. Which means a tweet about local election results could land you in jail.

Australian Kids Ask for School-Supplied Energy Drinks

Jeff Neumann · 04/18/11 03:48AM

When the government in the Australian state of Victoria asked for businesses to develop "a pleasant-tasting, attention-sustaining, low-priced drink that enables secondary school students to work safely and with sustained alertness all day," well, some old people got pretty upset! Education Minister Martin Dixon blamed the idea on kids, and told ABC Radio that no ministry funds had gone into the project, "but good on the kids for coming up with an innovative idea."

Paul Ryan's Draconian Budget Passes the House

Jim Newell · 04/15/11 02:29PM

The House of Representatives passed Paul Ryan's Path to Prosperity budget this afternoon. It will die in the Senate, of course, but now it goes on record as the House Republicans' official fiscal plan for the future.

What Was Anyone Thinking With Ashton Kutcher's New Anti-Slavery PSAs?

Richard Lawson · 04/12/11 10:22AM

Oh dear. Ashton Kutcher and his old lady Demi Moore are apparently, and justifiably, upset about human trafficking. So upset, in fact, that they called up some of their celebrity friends — Justin Timberlake, Jamie Foxx, the Old Spice guy - and had them make anti-slavery ads. Good for them! Too bad the ads are completely befuddling.

Google and the New York Times Will Ruin Trivia for Everyone

Brian Moylan · 04/11/11 03:40PM

Google and the New York Times have teamed up to bring you A Google A Day, a new daily trivia question that will run next to the crossword puzzle and, more importantly, online. What is the point of having a trivia question with a Google box right above it?

Jim Carrey Got a Really Stupid Haircut

Brian Moylan · 04/11/11 01:32PM

Jim Carrey, that nearly forgotten relic of the '90s, tried to improve his image and box office relevance by getting himself a new haircut. It's not working.

Ben Quayle Will Monitor America's Earthquake Preparedness

Jim Newell · 04/08/11 12:52PM

Notorious Scottsdale porn scribe Rep. Ben Quayle is already making a name for himself during his freshman House term. Unfortunately, most of that is due to his terrible standup comedy. But the boy wonder now has an opportunity to redeem himself and restore the Quayle family name to its fading 1980s glory. He's been tasked with ensuring America's earthquake preparedness, from his chair in a House subcommittee.

The Disposable Subway Riding Glove Is Completely Idiotic

Brian Moylan · 04/01/11 04:33PM

From the Products We Don't Need file comes Metro Mitt, a little plastic bag for you to put over your hands while holding the pole in the subway. It's supposed to make your commute more sanitary. God, this thing is stupid.

Dan Quayle's Weird Kid Isn't Much of a Standup Comedian

Jim Newell · 03/31/11 11:09AM

It's beyond all comprehension that a professional event planner in Washington, D.C. would offer seven minutes of freestyle standup comedy time, as the official entertainment for a black-tie banquet, to Arizona Rep. Ben Quayle, son of the former vice president and penman of Scottsdale's richest pornographic tales. And yet that's exactly what happened last night at the annual Congressional Correspondents' Dinner. Our old pal Ben Quayle, whose generic facial expression is that of a concussed deer in the highbeams, actually attempted standup comedy. And the poor guy couldn't even land the free laugh that is a "Politico sucks" joke.

PETA Has Another Dumb Suggestion

Jeff Neumann · 03/31/11 04:37AM

Animal rights group PETA has managed to find another stupid way to attract attention: They've asked the city of San Francisco to rename the Tenderloin neighborhood something more in line with the city's perceived eating habits. The group's suggestion? The Tempeh District, because "the city deserves a neighborhood named after a delicious cruelty-free food instead of the flesh of an abused animal," PETA VP Tracy Reiman wrote in a letter to San Francisco's mayor. Oh god. Too bad PETA got it wrong, though. "Tenderloin" was the term used for bribes given to cops in the area back when the neighborhood was still "gritty."

Tweeted Applications Make Summer Internships Even More of a Joke

Adrian Chen · 03/25/11 11:11AM

People lose jobs all the time by writing dumb stuff on Twitter. But Newton's Third Law of Internet Dynamics means people also get jobs by writing dumb stuff on Twitter. Well, in this case it's internships: the New York Times recounts how the ad agency Campbell Mithun hired six summer interns via a Twitter competition, "The Lucky 13," wherein they had to come up with 13 tweets making their case.