
FBI Invites 'God Hates Fags' Church to Talk to Agents

Max Read · 06/29/11 08:12PM

Our old friends at the Westboro Baptist Church—you know, the "God Hates Fags" guys—briefly expanded their gross little empire! To the FBI, of all things, where church big-shot Tim Phelps was invited to address agents several times "as part of the bureau's counterterrorism training program." Hmm.

TV Reporter Caught Smoking While Covering Oil Fire

Brian Moylan · 06/27/11 01:56PM

Brad Woodard from Houston's KHOU went to cover the fire at an oil storage tank, but the smoke seen billowing on camera wasn't just from the fire, it was coming from Woodard's mouth as well. When the camera cut to him, he was still smoking a cigarette.

Tea Party Summer Camp: The Experience of a Lifetime

Max Read · 06/15/11 01:44AM

Is your child's summer camp a bit too... Kenyan, let's say? Don't worry! There's still space at the weeklong "Tampa Liberty School," a camp designed to help children aged 8-12 learn about important concepts like Freedom and The Gold Standard.

There Is Nothing Sleazier Than 'Bikini Brunch'

Brian Moylan · 06/08/11 03:51PM

Midtown nightlife hellhole Lavo has become known for their celebrity bottle service and hard-partying weekend brunches. Now it's taking the tackiness to a whole new level: "Bikini Brunch". Yes, female patrons will be encouraged to wear the skimpiest item in their wardrobe while eating their omelets.

Dove Body Wash: Strong Enough to Turn a Black Woman White

Hamilton Nolan · 05/23/11 02:40PM

Dove VisibleCare body wash: "Visibly more beautiful skin." Bye-bye black skin, hello white skin! (Scrub hard!) Can this ad possibly be real? Some people think it is! We've emailed Dove's representatives for confirmation, and we'll update with their reply. If real, this could be the most (unintentionally) racist skin care product ad in... about ten months.

A Baby Named 'Like'

Adrian Chen · 05/16/11 11:55AM

An Israeli couple has named their newborn daughter "Like." It's unclear if Facebook was the direct inspiration for their choice, given that the father doesn't really use Facebook. But, still, pretty cruel!

The Best Worst Celebrity Fan Tattoos

Remy Stern · 05/13/11 03:30PM

What do you do when you want the world to know about the celebrity you creepily obsess about? Stamp their face on your arm, stomach, back or leg, obviously. Here are the best worst celebrity fan tattoos, people who permanently branded themselves with their fixations, and have absolutely nothing to regret. Because in 50 years, having a giant image of Criss Angel, Eminem, Avril Lavigne, Bono, or Clay Aiken will be just as cool as it is today, right?

Frat Boys and Politicians Win on Texas Senate 'Gun Day'

Jeff Neumann · 05/10/11 05:15AM

Yesterday was a big day for armed vigilantes in Texas. The state Senate first passed a bill that will allow "legislators, statewide elected officials, some former legislators and some state employees to carry their concealed weapons into churches, hospitals, bars, sporting events — even if a sign is posted saying weapons are prohibited." Do you foresee any problems arising from that?

Murderer Attacks Prosecutor During Closing Argument

Max Read · 05/02/11 07:18PM

It's not a good idea, when you're on trial, to attack the prosecutor in the courtroom. But Emanuel D. "E Man" Mitchell had already been convicted of murder, so he probably figured he had nothing to lose.