
Lawyer Asks Hiring Firms to Google Him, Puts Nude Selfie on Facebook

Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/24/13 04:31PM

A go-getter lawyer who recently passed his bar exam decided to hit the ground sprinting with a mass email blast to thousands of potential employers across the state of Delaware in the hopes that one of them will take a chance on a greenhorn.

NYC Courier to Clients: We Don't Employ 'Dirty, Smelly' Immigrants

Neetzan Zimmerman · 06/24/13 05:16PM

The NYC-based bike courier service Dutch Express bills itself as the city's "most reliable same day courier service." Unfortunately, as Dutch Express surely knows, swiftness often comes at a price — like, say, not thinking twice before sending out a promotional mailer that might be seen as racist by your potential clientele.