The NYC-based bike courier service Dutch Express bills itself as the city's "most reliable same day courier service." Unfortunately, as Dutch Express surely knows, swiftness often comes at a price — like, say, not thinking twice before sending out a promotional mailer that might be seen as racist by your potential clientele.

In an email blast sent to an unknown number of individuals and forwarded to Gawker by a tipster, Dutch Express tries to set itself apart from similar services that hire people to deliver packages on bicycles without taking into account such essential factors as physical appearance, accent, and heritage.

Are you also done with those messengers which (sic) look dirty, don’t speak proper English, Smell and don’t know how to behave in a corporate, retail or residential environment?

Try Dutch Express, all our messengers are clean neat, well-spoken and behaved individuals and dressed in very nice and clean Dutch Express outfits (Official bikers outfits).

Reached for comment, Dutch Express co-founder Marcus Hoed told Gawker to mind its own business.

"With all respect I have no idea who you are or what is your interest in the way I pitch my business!" Hoed wrote in an email. "My business is NO ONES (sic) business including you."

Asked if Gawker could take his response as confirmation that he was involved in penning the controversial mailer, Hoed replied, "Common (sic) Don’t be such a ‘Noudnik’… :)"

[photo via Dutch Express on Google+, thanks for the tip, Erin S.!]