
Columnist: If James Holmes Was a Muslim, The Shooting Might Not Have Happened

Hamilton Nolan · 07/23/12 11:30AM

By contrasting the ease with which Aurora shooter James Holmes ordered guns and ammunition online with the rapid FBI response when a Muslim would-be terrorist in Aurora sent a single suspicious email a few years ago, Denver Post columnist Chuck Murphy states the obvious in his column today: this mass shooting might have turned out very differently if James Holmes had been named Ibrahim or Mohammed.

A Roundup of Gawker's Coverage of the Dark Knight Shooting

Emma Carmichael · 07/20/12 03:55PM

A shooter walked into a late-night showing of The Dark Knight Rises early Friday morning in Aurora, Colo., and opened fire. James Holmes, 24, killed 12 and wounded dozens more. Read our initial report here and catch up on the following stories on the Dark Knight shooting:

Stunning Video of Earth from 240 Miles Up

Max Read · 11/13/11 09:41AM

Here's the best space video we've ever seen: 18 time-lapse sequences of photos taken from the International Space Station, gorgeously processed and edited by Michael König. There's so much going on it's hard to know where to focus while you watch—the North and Southern Lights? The flickers of lightning in the clouds? The cobwebs of settlement light stretching across continents? A list of the locations being passed over can be found here; the first two sequences were taken above the United States. We published a similar video a few months ago, but this one's the real deal. [via Kottke]

Adaptive Path announces Aurora browser, but not COO departure

Jackson West · 08/05/08 10:20AM

Noted neologician Jesse James Garrett, the man who dubbed a set of popular Web 2.0 technologies "Ajax," has announced another project from Adaptive Path, the Web consultancy he cofounded. It's Aurora, an interesting visualization of what a next-generate Web browser might look like. It's user-interface porn of the highest order, with a special bonus if you have a farmer fetish. What the company hasn't announced? The recent departure of COO Bryan Mason, pictured here, who Twittered his resignation on Friday, though he hasn't been filed under "emeritus" on the company roster quite yet. Whoever is named the new COO had better make sure the free-taco truck tradition at the annual company party continues, or there will be hungry-hipster hell to pay. The Aurora browser: