
But Don't Ask Her About Beards

Jessica · 10/12/06 11:00AM

Who is Arianna Huffington's publicist? Because after putting in some serious overtime (where isn't she being profiled, interviewed, or featured?), he or she has taken to hitting up the NYU Journalism listserv in the name of political powerhouse CosmoGIRL!:

Liberals In A Lot More Trouble Than We Thought

abalk2 · 09/29/06 08:20AM

Actually, the fact that this assertion comes from Jon Friedman should put everyone at ease. We love how he refers to himself as a "sneaky journalist" for waiting six months to ask a question ("Arianna, do you think that you are the left-wing's great media hope?") the affirmative answer to which Arianna herself has been pushing forever. Pretty sneaky, Jon! We're sure Michael Isikoff is pissing himself in fear of the competition right now.

Stephen Colbert Indulges Arianna-Nailing Fantasy

Chris Mohney · 09/26/06 03:10PM

Arianna Huffington got some moderately effective pimp-time for her new book, On Becoming Fearless, on last night's Colbert Report. Stephen Colbert was surprisingly gentle in the face of Huffington's implacable demeanor and accent, but he did reminisce fondly about "nailing her" in the segment intro.


abalk2 · 09/25/06 10:40AM

Whatever you think of her, you've got to admire Arianna Huffington's ability to generate publicity. The idea that a Greek gay-husband-marrying, Republican-turned-Democrat, failed-gubernatorial-candidate, frequent-Bill Maher-guest, blogger could use a by-the-numbers self-help tome to induce the orgy of coverage she's recently received is astounding; if nothing else, she's certainly an artist. But Oprah? Once again, negative. Although the whole husband thing does at least put her in Star Jones territory.

Separated at G.O.P.-Hating Birth?

abalk2 · 08/18/06 09:25AM

So we were reading Eat The Press the other day, as is our wont, when we came across a post about how "Este Lauder has edited a video featuring comedienne Sandra Bernhard shilling for MAC's new "Plushglass" lip line because of an anti-Republican comment." The image of Bernhard above that HuffPo used reminded us of someone, but we couldn't quite figure out who. It's been driving us mad, but just last night we shot up from our Ambien-induced coma and thought, "Anti-Republican comments? Ah hah!"

'Slate' Wants To Bore You To Death Off-Line Too

abalk2 · 06/15/06 09:50AM

Got fifteen bucks and a tremendous amount of self-hatred? Then you'll want to spend it on the provocatively titled discussion "Online Media and the Future of Journalism" at the Public Library on June 22. That's right, as a celebration of Slate's tenth anniversary, the online mag has put together a panel to consider the ways in which the Internet has affected the delivery of news. In accordance with federal laws concerning the approximately three thousand panels each year on this subject, Arianna Huffington is a participant. Other members include Malcolm Gladwell, Michael Kinsley, Norman Pearlstine, and Jacob Weisberg, which, in other circumstances, would make for the world's most annoying poker game. Don't get us wrong - we're pleased as punch for Slate. Has it really been ten years? So many memories: Learning about the joys of monkeyfishing, watching Judy Shulevitz apply for a job at The Times, seeing every prediction made by Mickey Kaus turn out to be comically wrong... we could go on and on. As for the panel, though, we're going to take Gladwell's advice: Our first instinct says this may be the most boring event at the library since Frank Rich's play about Adolph Ochs. We've got to believe that instinct is correct.

Arianna Finds Solution to Old Media's Problems: Group Sex!

Jesse · 05/05/06 10:51AM

But the more I've thought about the subject and the more research I've done, the more I've realized that the print-vs.-online debate has become as much an outdated cliche as the old Ginger-vs.-Mary Ann barroom argument. Why choose? This is 2006 — why not just have a three-way?

Lloyd Grove A Little Too Excited About Internet Pissing Match

Jessica · 03/16/06 02:30PM

"This is the blogosphere. I report to you from a world wobbling on its axis. Fighting broke out just one short day ago, when Oscar-winning actor (and damned fine looking man) George Clooney went to war against Greece (in the person of Arianna Huffington). While casualties were initially expected to be few, the conflict has entered a dangerous phase: Threats on both sides have resulted in a resumption of hostilities, and no one quite knows where it will end. While Huffington has made noises about negotiations, it's clear that, for the other side at least, the gloves have come off, and now the whole world watches anxiously to see if things can resolve themselves peacefully. All this reporter can do is wait and hope. From The Blogosphere, where the bombs are falling, I'm Lloyd Grove. Good night, and good luck."

Gossip Roundup: Clay Aiken Loves a Man in Uniform

Jessica · 01/27/06 12:12PM

• American Idol Clay Aiken engaging in hot homo sex with a former Green Beret? Golly, we can't imagine. Actually, we can — but only if Clay bottomed. [Page Six]
• And there's this detailed description of said hot homo sex, which will make the Claymates either cry or masturbate. [R&M]
• Jessica Simpson engages in assplay with Maroon 5 lead singer Adam Levine; the girl just can't stay away from metrosexual pop boys, can she? [Page Six]
• For the inevitable Arianna Huffington-Tim Russert cage match, we'll be putting our money on Huffington. Her well-manicured nails would easily pierce Russert's tender, puffy flesh. [Lowdown]
• Nicole Kidman's engagement ring isn't really that pretty. We always thought she was more of a classic setting, brilliant-cut type of girl. [OAN]

Media Bubble: Huffington Likes Her Men Like She Likes Her Bloggers

Jesse · 12/15/05 01:29PM

• Arianna: "The qualities I look for in a man are the qualities I look for in a blogger: passion, relentlessness, risk taking, and a light touch." [Esquire]
• Mags remake Katie Couric's life. Because she could never afford to do it on her own, of course. [WWD]
• Valerie Plame is a MacGuffin, says Frank Rich. [LA City Beat]
• Ford cannot say no to the gay mafia. [NYT]

Arianna Huffington's anti-SUV campaign

Gawker · 01/30/03 10:14AM

Harry Evans, explaining the existence of his SUV at a party he co-hosted with wife Tina Brown for Arianna Huffington: Their S.U.V., he said, was bought "with visions of living on the coast, with visions of snow, hurricanes and floods, so every day is a burden of guilt." He adds, "I have an energy-abstemious bicycle. I'm not wholly guilty."
Die, SUV-driving swine! [NYT]

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 01/17/03 06:56AM

· Bill Clinton asked to pose with Barenaked Ladies. [Page Six]
· Condé Nast staffers invade Scores for "research purposes." [Page Six]
· Anti-SUV activists Arianna Huffington, Lawrence Bender, Ari Emanuel, and Laurie David have no problem with gas-guzzling private jets. [Page Six]
· Paramount chief Sherry Lansing may be leaving. [Cindy Adams]
· VH1's new reality show follows b-list celebs in rehab; Bobby Brown is wanted by Georgia authorities for violating bond by performing at the American Music Awards; and My Big Fat Greek Wedding star Nia Vardalos responds to a reporter who suggests she's a role model for women who aren't skinny by saying that Russell Crowe and Jack Nicholson are fat, but "nobody ever talks about that." [NY Daily News]