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"This is the blogosphere. I report to you from a world wobbling on its axis. Fighting broke out just one short day ago, when Oscar-winning actor (and damned fine looking man) George Clooney went to war against Greece (in the person of Arianna Huffington). While casualties were initially expected to be few, the conflict has entered a dangerous phase: Threats on both sides have resulted in a resumption of hostilities, and no one quite knows where it will end. While Huffington has made noises about negotiations, it's clear that, for the other side at least, the gloves have come off, and now the whole world watches anxiously to see if things can resolve themselves peacefully. All this reporter can do is wait and hope. From The Blogosphere, where the bombs are falling, I'm Lloyd Grove. Good night, and good luck."

Clooney & Huffington's blog of war [NYDN]