
Watch Steve Jobs Reveal His Secret Ninja Identity

Ryan Tate · 09/15/10 11:42AM

Taiwanese newspaper publisher Next Daily posted a great video of Steve Jobs becoming a ninja and attacking airport security. What is the truth about the Apple CEO's martial arts skills, and why aren't U.S. media investigating? A conspiracy, perhaps?

The Best Apple Conspiracy Theory You'll Hear All Week

Adrian Chen · 09/11/10 11:25AM

Let us put a tin-foil protective case around our iPhone 4 for a second. A tipster has sketched the eerie outline of a massive Apple campaign of deception: Are Apple stores creepy fantasy lands, stuffed with paid extras?

Steve Jobs Releases His 10 Commandments

Ryan Tate · 09/09/10 01:41PM

Steve Jobs released rules, apparently in his own words, outlining creative correctness in Apple's App Store. The Apple CEO's "guidelines" are arbitrary, prudish and almost comically despotic. But at least now they're written down and exposed to public scrutiny.

The Google Ad That Steve Jobs Will Hate

Ryan Tate · 09/08/10 03:38PM

Google sure knows how to push Steve Jobs' buttons. This advertisement for Google's new instant search system is bound to get under the Apple CEO's skin — and intensify one of the most heated rivalries in tech.

Are Bono and Steve Jobs About to Go to War Again?

Ryan Tate · 08/25/10 12:16PM

Broken friendships produce the bitterest feuds, which explains the big beef between Steve Jobs' Apple and Bono's Elevation Partners. Now Elevation is investing in Pandora, the beloved internet radio site edging ever closer to competition with Apple.

Apple's Store Might Have Emptied Your Bank Account

Ryan Tate · 08/23/10 02:01PM

People are reporting their bank and PayPal accounts have been emptied by hackers via the iTunes Store. This has not been a good summer for Apple's self-made image of safety and security.

Band Plays "Eye of the Tiger" Using Only iPad Apps

Whitney Jefferson · 08/12/10 10:46AM

Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger" has been given an update for the new millennium in this music video in which a band plays the entirety of the song on their different iPad applications for keyboards, drums, and guitar.

Study: iPhone Users Have More Sex

Remy Stern · 08/10/10 05:24PM

Forget Old Spice deodorant—the best way to get laid is to tote around an iPhone, especially if you happen to be female. And while iPhone users are screwing like rabbits, Blackberry and Android users appear to relatively chaste.

AT&T's iPad Cover Up

Ryan Tate · 07/26/10 04:23PM

AT&T is refusing to say how many iPad 3G customers had their private information compromised in a security breach last month. So much for the company's promise to "shed some more light" on the situation.

Don't Hold Your Breath for a White iPhone

Remy Stern · 07/23/10 10:33AM

Not that Apple obsessives need it, but here's a new conspiracy theory to chew on. Apple announced this morning it would be delaying production of the white iPhone until later this year.

Are Microsoft Execs In Open Revolt?

Ryan Tate · 07/22/10 06:30PM

Having been surpassed by Apple in smartphones, tablet computers and even market capitalization, Microsoft is reportedly undergoing something of an internal crisis: Senior executives are said to want to push out CEO Steve Ballmer. Oh, the humiliation.