
iPhone Bug Makes Europeans Late for Work

Ryan Tate · 11/01/10 12:32PM

The iPhone's alarm failed to handle the switch from Daylight Saving Time in Europe, causing a wave of workplace tardiness this morning. This is the second continent to curse Apple's phone after Australia experienced the same bug last month.

Facebook Launches an iPhone War from a Secret Bunker

Ryan Tate · 10/26/10 01:12PM

It's an incredible sneak attack, even by Silicon Valley standards: Fed up with the iPhone and immersed in trash talk, Facebook executives have reportedly created a secret bunker from which to develop a shadowy new phone platform.

Beware the Garden of Steven

Ryan Tate · 10/20/10 04:22PM

The virtual utopia controlled by Steve Jobs will expand greatly, bringing even more of the world under the thumb of the Apple CEO. That's the most promising—and dangerous—development to emerge from Apple's big products rollout today.

Steve Jobs Has Created a Monster

Ryan Tate · 10/15/10 10:38AM

The journalism student who got into an email fight with Apple CEO Steve Jobs has posted a tipsy webcam video which she says will be the first in a series. Meet a fameball in the making, Chelsea Kate Isaacs.

Beware of the Infectious iPad

Ryan Tate · 10/14/10 04:10PM

Your filthy iPad is an excellent vector for transmitting influenza and other viruses, scientists say. In fact, if it's anywhere near as bacteria infested as a cell phone, you should be fairly disgusted to share the Apple tablet without sterilization.

Will Condé Nast's iPad Bet Pay Off? · 10/13/10 10:05PM

Condé Nast has been carefully studying the use of its iPad apps, and hosted 70 marketing and media execs today in New York to present its findings, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Steve Jobs' Email Enemy Is Now Sponsored by Microsoft

Ryan Tate · 10/13/10 04:45PM

Microsoft is lending a helping hand to journalism student Chelsea Kate Isaacs following her email tiff with Microsoft arch-enemy, Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Microsoft is advancing her education as Isaacs vows to wash her hands of Apple—for life.

Bar Spy: Apple Trying To Hire a Blogger?

Ryan Tate · 10/05/10 05:35PM

Apple's PR staff would be well advised to reach out more to bloggers, or even blog on their own. So the mysterious overture Apple made to a TechCrunch editor at a Cupertino, California brewhouse could be a big positive step.

Apple May Pay $625 Million For Messing with Texas

Ryan Tate · 10/05/10 11:12AM

Apple was the loser in the fourth-largest patent verdict in U.S. history. A jury in East Texas federal court found the company infringed three patents in the Cover Flow, Time Machine and Spotlight features of its Mac operating system.

The Price of Crossing Steve Jobs

Ryan Tate · 09/30/10 03:45PM

Gordon McLeod has been packing up his office; today is his last at the Wall Street Journal. His ejection is complicated. But some coworkers think they know what did him in: insulting Steve Jobs in Rupert Murdoch's presence.

iPhone Riot in China

Ryan Tate · 09/30/10 01:46PM

Apple's flagship store in Beijing was shut down for a few hours due to fights breaking out over buying the iPhone 4, M.I.C. Gadget, a gadget blog based in China, reports.