
Reverend Billy

cityfile · 02/08/08 08:04AM

Reverend Billy is the kitschy faux-preacher who organizes rallies against consumerism and corporate monoliths like Starbucks and Disney. The Reverend and his 40-member Earthalujah Choir tour the world (but primarily the United States), racking up arrests as they spread the gospel of their Church of Stop Shopping.


Richard Lawson · 02/07/08 12:03PM

[Members of German band Tokio Hotel outside the Golden Camera awards yesterday in Berlin; image via AP]

Single Conversation Ends World

Richard Lawson · 01/29/08 06:30PM

[Paris Hilton on TRL today, chatting with VJ Damien Fahey about her new movie "Hottie or Nottie"; image via AP]

I Now Pronounce You Schmuck & Scary

Richard Lawson · 01/25/08 01:56PM

[Tom Arnold and Jimmy Fallon at the Sundance premiere of their film "The Year of Getting To Know Us" last night; image via AP]

The Times' Surprising Celebrity Coverage

Nick Denton · 01/22/08 06:38PM

Predictably, both TMZ and the New York Post's Pagesix.com are claiming exclusives on news of the apparent suicide of Heath Ledger. The New York Post's boast is rather marred by the borked timestamp on their web story, which was 4.41am, a full eleven hours before the death of the 28-year-old Australian actor. (Update: Perez Hilton claims an exclusive even though the purple-haired blogger was an hour late to the story.) But the earliest report we found was a rumor on Radar magazine's Fresh Intelligence blog, courtesy of Alex Balk, about five minutes before TMZ and Pagesix.com. And the most impressive coverage has been the New York Times' City Room blog, which had the news early, and quickly gave it texture, with recent quotes from the young actor, hinting at his depression. The Gray Lady has long refused to cover celebrity news, except in the most indirect of ways, despite the appetite of the reading public; online, at least, the Times has surrendered.

Actor Heath Ledger Found Dead In New York

Maggie · 01/22/08 04:48PM

"A New York Police Department spokesman says the actor Heath Ledger has been found dead at a downtown Manhattan residence," according to the AP. The Times says a masseuse and a housekeeper found his body at 421 Broome Street.

Never Too Young For An Obit

Hamilton Nolan · 01/22/08 02:34PM

Trendwatch: The AP's decision to draw up an advance obituary for 26 year old Britney Spears is being replicated for many other young, at-risk stars. The AP got caught without pre-written death stories for Anna Nicole Smith and the recently deceased Brad Renfro, but now the wire service is preparing canned obits for a bunch of 20-somethings. But why bother? After the jump, New York Sun obit guru Stephen Miller says that the AP should just calm down: