
Who Is Putting Up Posters in Washington Calling Antonin Scalia a Rapist?

John Cook · 11/16/11 03:40PM

A crazy person, certainly. A tipster sent us shots of these leaflets, which have been going up "all around D.C. streets in recent days." In addition to misspelling his first name, the flyers accuse Scalia of date rape, soliciting prostitutes, and pistol-whipping women in hotel rooms. For more information, they recommend that you contact Scalia. He'll probably just deny it.

Antonin Scalia Truly Is the Harry Potter of Our Times

Jim Newell · 09/22/11 03:45PM

Can't say we've ever heard a comparison between Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and English wizard Harry Potter before. But it kind of makes sense, doesn't it? No, not really. But we thank old Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch for making it anyway!

Supreme Court Justice Causes Four-Car Accident

Max Read · 03/30/11 12:50AM

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia isn't just a danger to the rights of women, minorities, and the working class: He's also a danger to anyone who happens to be driving near him. Scalia "slammed into" a car on the George Washington Parkway on Tuesday, pushing it into two other cars and earning himself a $70 ticket. There's currently no word as to whether or not the justice will contest the ticket in court (and perhaps argue that nowhere in the constitution does it say you can't just rear-end whomever you'd like), but nerds will be pleased to know that Scalia, a strong originalist, was cited for "following too closely." [WaPo; Above the Law; image via AP]

Scalia Says Women, Gays Not Protected by Constitution

Max Read · 01/04/11 01:09AM

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is a constitutional originalist who interprets the constitution based on what he believes its authors meant—you know, without pesky things like "protection against discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual orientation."

Sotomayor 'Nasty,' Times Reports

Pareene · 05/29/09 09:12AM

Come the fuck on, Liptak. Did we need another one of these? "Judge Sotomayor's sharp-tongued and occasionally combative manner—some lawyers have described her as 'difficult' and 'nasty'—raises questions about her judicial temperament and willingness to listen." She's mean to lawyers! That's bad now?

Happy Birthday

cityfile · 03/11/09 06:33AM

Rupert Murdoch turns 78 today. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is turning 73. Joel and Benji Madden are 30. Sam Donaldson is turning 75. Famed attorney David Boies is 68. Finance exec Alexandra Lebenthal is 45. Real estate broker Robby Browne is 61. Jesse Jackson, Jr. is turning 44. Singer Lisa Loeb is turning 41. Terrence Howard is 40. Actress Thora Birch is turning 27. Bobby McFerrin is turning 59. Director Jerry Zucker is 59. Rapper Paul Wall is 28. Johnny Knoxville is 38. And Long Island's very own Joey Buttafuoco is celebrating his 53rd birthday today.

Right-Wing Media Still Pissed At Al Gore

Ryan Tate · 06/27/08 01:03AM

Some conservative pundits are, all of a sudden, understandably pissed at Democrat Al Gore for — well, maybe for not winning the White House for the liberals eight years ago or something? Or because they are jealous of Gore's Nobel Peace Prize, Oscar, and Emmy. Or maybe because they think Barack Obama will give Gore the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to someday become vice president. Anyway, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia just told Britain's Telegraph that Gore was a big baby who should have taken his unfair 2000 presidential defeat in stride like a real man, such as Richard Nixon. Since he had to wuss out and ask the Supreme Court to intervene, Scalia can't be held responsible for the ruling that ensued. Kind of a weird take from a guy now pimping a book called "The Art of Persuading Judges." But Scalia is not the only right-winger trashing Gore in the media lately. Here's an amazing, month-old clip in which Gore is accused of crushing the hopes of a Holocaust hero:

Press Hungry For Tatum O'Neal Relapse

Ryan Tate · 06/11/08 08:20AM
  • Tatum O'Neal, recently busted for buying cocaine, is now attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. But Showbiz Spy reported the actress was spotted with "what looked like white wine" at a New York ballet gala. Showbiz Spy attributed the sighting to, but any mention of the wine has been scrubbed from the report. We found this picture of the event from Getty Images — totally looks like iced tea. Click the thumbnail for a larger shot.

Justice Scalia Not Actually a Sex Groupie

cityfile · 06/11/08 07:38AM

New York magazine would sweeten up a harmless bit of gossip and make it more cute than it actually was? Say it ain't so! This week, the mag ran an Intelligencer item detailing an encounter between Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and Sarah Jessica Parker outside the Bloomberg Building during which Scalia giddily revealed himself to be a giant SATC fan. Sound a little unlike the arch-conservative justice? Indeed.