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New York magazine would sweeten up a harmless bit of gossip and make it more cute than it actually was? Say it ain't so! This week, the mag ran an Intelligencer item detailing an encounter between Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and Sarah Jessica Parker outside the Bloomberg Building during which Scalia giddily revealed himself to be a giant SATC fan. Sound a little unlike the arch-conservative justice? Indeed.

New York said the Scalia emerged from a nearby Town Car and rushed over to praise the star: "He was absolutely gushing, telling her how much he loved her show and how excited he was to see the movie," says a witness. "Finally, he asked her if he could bum a cigarette."

And yet Scalia now says none of that actually happened. It was Parker who asked Scalia for a cigarette and Scalia only realized who SJP was after she introduced herself. And, lest anyone think that Scalia spends his nights at home watching women discuss casual sex and Manolos (and forgo the chance to study The Federalist Papers), his rep added that Parker's work was never mentioned at any point in the conversation.

Carrie Who? [Page Six]
Nino and the City: When Scalia Met Sarah Jessica Parker [WSJ Law Blog]