
The Fashion World Is on the Cusp of Forgiving John Galliano

Brian Moylan · 11/14/11 07:17PM

John Galliano, the Dior designer who was found guilty of hate speech for his anti-Semitic rant in a Paris bar and fired from both Dior and his John Galliano label, is about to be welcomed back to the fashion fold. How can we tell? The sympathetic quotes are piling up.

Comment of the Day: The Lesser of Two Evils Is Not Lesser

Leah Beckmann · 11/04/11 06:36PM

Today we learned that Texas Rep. Larry Taylor is no friend of the Jews. While it is definitely not okay for anyone, let alone a public figure with a moderate amount of power to be making these kind of comments, at least good ol' Lar realized his mistake and feigned some backpedaling. This was not the case for one commenter and a very educated co-worker.

The RNC Jumps on The 'Occupy Wall Street Is Anti-Semitic' Bandwagon

Remy Stern · 10/19/11 10:45AM

The Republican National Committee is joining in with the right-wing bloggers who have sought to paint the Occupy Wall Street protesters as an anti-Semitic mob, condemning Democrats who it says "have spent the last week championing the ‘Occupy Wall Street' movement, yet in the midst of protestors' extreme anti-Semitic, anti-Israel comments, they've been silent."

Moron Student Who Accused Jewish Prof of Anti-Semitism: I Am The Victim Here

Hamilton Nolan · 09/15/11 09:19AM

Yesterday, we brought you the story of Sarah Grunfeld, the 22 year-old student at York University who ran out and publicly accused her (Jewish) sociology professor of anti-Semitism when he said the phrase "Jews should be sterilized"—as an example of a bad opinion. Grunfeld's reasoning: "The words, ‘Jews should be sterilized' still came out of his mouth, so regardless of the context I still think that's pretty serious."

Violent Jew-Hater to Make Film About Violent Jew

John Cook · 09/09/11 02:10PM

Who better to film the epic tale of the ancient Jewish warrior Judah Maccabbee than Mel Gibson, who thinks "the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world"?

Donna Karan Kicks Off the Fashion Industry Defending John Galliano Tour

Brian Moylan · 04/14/11 01:01PM

Noted fashion designer (and Jew) Donna Karan says that John Galliano's anti-Semitic rants were "blown out of proportion." She told New York magazine, "I know John. I've met John. He's a wonderful designer, a brilliant designer, and he probably needs help and support right now. To be a designer's a very taskful situation, and sometimes it can push a few limits." Yup, give it six months and he'll be fully back in the fashion industry's good graces.

John Galliano's Accuser Defends Him In an Interview

Adrian Chen · 03/11/11 12:59PM

One of the men who says fashionable pirate John Galliano hurled anti-Semitic slurs at him at a French restaurant last month has spoken out in an interview with Le Parisien. He doesn't think Galliano's actually a racist.

Julian Assange: My Enemies Are All Jews and Sissies

John Cook · 03/01/11 02:55PM

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has—reportedly—told the British satirical and current affairs magazine Private Eye that there is a conspiracy of Jewish reporters out to get him, and that they're a bunch of little girls. He did this in response to charges that he associates with anti-Semites. Touche!