
Former Anonymous Spokesman Barrett Brown Indicted For Sharing a Link to Stolen Credit Card Data

Adrian Chen · 12/07/12 06:56PM

Is it a crime for someone simply to share a link to stolen information? That seems to be the message conveyed by today's indictment of former Anonymous spokesman Barrett Brown, over a massive hack of the private security firm Stratfor. Brown's in legal trouble for copying and pasting a link from one chat room to another. This is scary to anyone who ever links to anything.

All of Hunter Moore's Personal Information Is Now on the Internet, Thanks to Anonymous

Camille Dodero · 12/06/12 02:25PM

Over the weekend, hacktavist collective Anonymous declared a formal vendetta against sext troll Hunter Moore, who recently announced plans to relaunch a revenge-porn site and publish addresses of people he doesn't like. Anonymous wasn't kidding: yesterday, they briefly took down and now, they claim to have hacked into his servers earlier this morning. Their account appears in the video above and here via Pastebin:

Anonymous' Big FBI Hack Was a Big Lie

Adrian Chen · 09/10/12 12:32PM

Anonymous leaked 1 million Apple device IDs last week, claiming they were found on an FBI laptop. This had the unexpected result of me wearing a tutu and putting a shoe on my head in order to elicit more information from the hacktivist group. But an NBC report has revealed the leak actually came from a boring app developer. Anonymous is full of shit—but at least everyone on the internet got to see my legs.

Anonymous Dribbles Out More Information On 'FBI' Hack

Adrian Chen · 09/07/12 10:20AM

Post-tutu, Anonymous has released a new statement about their "FBI laptop" hack. It's typically rambling and contains no real evidence that the million Apple device IDs (known as UDIDs) that Anonymous leaked earlier this week were found on an FBI laptop, as they claim.

The Tutu Has Been Donned. Your Move, Anonymous.

Adrian Chen · 09/06/12 11:45AM

For 24 hours, the internet was subjected to, or blessed with, if that's what you're into, the image of me in a tutu with a shoe on my head. (We're still waiting for the Smithsonian to request the tutu for inclusion in its special collections.) Now it's time for Anonymous to hold up their side of the deal.

Anonymous Leaks Secret New York Times Correspondences That Reveal Reporters' Shocking Competence

Adrian Chen · 08/31/12 02:00PM

Anonymous declared war on the New York Times this week, launching "OpNYT" on Wednesday. Unlike most actions by the crippled hacktivist collective these days, their attack on the Times doesn't just consist of writing boring, unreadable manifestos (though there is a lot of that). Anonymous has leaked 'secret' correspondences between New York Times reporters and Anonymous members, meant to expose the Times' "incompetence." Unfortunately for Anonymous, the documents reveal the exact opposite.

Elaborate Hoax Credits New York Times' Bill Keller With Pro-WikiLeaks Op-Ed

Louis Peitzman · 07/29/12 10:14AM

The Bill Keller who wrote the op-ed "WikiLeaks, a Post Postscript" makes his position clear: regardless of your feelings about Julian Assange, WikiLeaks must be protected under the First Amendment — so, too, the New York Times reporters who published stories based on WikiLeaks information.

4chan's Moment Is Over Even Though It's More Popular Than Ever

Adrian Chen · 07/12/12 03:36PM

At the internet culture conference ROFLCON in May, the assembled geek digerati were asked during one panel if they were readers of 4chan, the legendary butthole of the internet. A bare smattering of hands went up in the MIT lecture hall.

Hackers Plan Huge Attack For 4PM Today, Stupidly Announce It To Everyone

Adrian Chen · 05/25/12 10:01AM

A general principle to keep in mind when dealing with hackers is: If a gang of hackers announces the exact date, time and targets of an upcoming hack, it is not going to happen. So we'd bet 800 bitcoins that this attack on "46 major companies around the world" planned for 4pm today by a hacking group associated with Anonymous is not going to come off.

Will Facebook Crush an Anonymous Social Network?

Adrian Chen · 04/24/12 05:53PM

If Facebook had its way, nothing on Earth would be called a "book" without its explicit permission. Now, Mark Zuckerberg's Big Blue Death Star is setting up for a potential trademark showdown with Anonybook, an Anonymous-themed social network with a familiar name.

Anonymous Accidentally Sent Us This Boob Picture

Adrian Chen · 04/20/12 10:39AM

Hey everyone: Before you send an important email make sure you check to see that you didn't accidentally attach a webcam picture of a topless woman. That includes you, hacktivist collective Anonymous.

Anonymous Is Supposed to Attack the Internet Today

Louis Peitzman · 03/31/12 11:00AM

Today's the big day, Anonymous: Operation Global Blackout. Hackers have been advised to attack the Domain Name System, which is responsible for taking a domain name like "" and turning it into a series of numbers that makes sense to computers. Anonymous plans to bombard the system with junk traffic, thereby slowing just about everything on the internet down.