
Revered Anonymous Mastermind Rats Out His Pals to the FBI

Adrian Chen · 03/06/12 10:01AM

The most prominent and revered member of Anonymous, Sabu, has reportedly been an FBI informant for months. And thanks to his help, authorities today rounded up the last members of LulzSec, the notorious defunct hacking group he once led.

Victim Responds to Latest Anonymous Hack: 'I Am a Supporter of Anonymous'

John Cook · 02/06/12 03:25PM

We've already pointed out that the collateral damage from Anonymous' latest online raid—the release of more than 2 gigs of email and other data from Puckett and Faraj, the law firm that represented the squad leader responsible for the Haditha massacre—included some unlikely targets. Now one of the partners of the firm has announced on his Facebook page that he supports Anonymous' goals, and once even offered to defend Anony-hero Bradley Manning.

Anonymous' Latest Release Includes Private Info About Sexual Assault Victims and Guantanamo Lawyers

John Cook · 02/03/12 04:50PM

Earlier today, Anonymous announced what sounded like an awesome caper: The group had compromised the email of a law firm that represented Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich, the Marine squad leader who got a slap on the wrist for his role in the Haditha massacre. Trouble is, the hack had a lot of collateral victims, including people that Anonymous might normally be aligned with. Like a lawyer for Guantanamo detainees.

Anonymous Ruins California Cop's Life Over Single Dumb Tweet

Adrian Chen · 01/31/12 10:19AM

It doesn't take much to set off the fury of the hacktivist collective Anonymous. Last night a California cop made a tweet suggesting he'd shoot hackers. Now he's been run off Twitter and is under an official investigation.

Twitter Blackout Protest Means Fewer Tweets About Brunch

Louis Peitzman · 01/28/12 09:00AM

If your Twitter timeline is looking a little quieter this morning, it could be as a result of a day-long protest against Twitter's recent announcement that they would be blocking certain tweets in different countries. As it turns out, the concept of free speech and expression differs from nation to nation, and Twitter would rather not facilitate any illegal activity.

Anonymous Is Launching a MegaUpload Alternative?

Adrian Chen · 01/23/12 10:00AM

Anonymous really loved Megaupload. Still reeling over the loss of the best place to download the entire TLC discography on the web, members of the hacktivist collective have apparently launched an effort to build a replacement for the file-sharing service killed by the feds last week: Anonyupload.

4chan Gets a Taste of Its Own Medicine

Adrian Chen · 11/15/11 06:50PM

4chan, everyone's favorite pile of internet poop, has been mostly unavailable for the past two day due to a massive distributed denial-of-service attack. Hard to shed a tear for the 4channers, whose Anonymous denizens are pioneers of the DDoS.

Facebook Is Drowning in a Flood of Hardcore Porn

Adrian Chen · 11/14/11 06:42PM

If you walked by your coworker today and saw hardcore porn filling her screen, there may be an innocent explanation. Some sort of hack is currently spewing porn and gore all over Facebook. It's a porn flood!