
Why Anonymity Matters

Nick Denton · 04/26/12 10:05AM

Gawker Media is flying in the face of conventional media wisdom. While other outlets are doing away with anonymity, we've built anonymous accounts into our new comment system. We'll accept some disorder if that's the price of freedom in one's personal life, in politics and the press.

Greetings, Today's The Day All Starred Commenters Will Die

A.J. Daulerio · 04/17/12 11:11AM

For those of you who participated in Gawker's long-standing starred commenter system, you'll be very disappointed to know that those perky little yellow insignias you worked so hard for are now gone forever. We do appreciate your contributions in coming weeks, as our new commenting system is rolled out on this site. The best way for readers who want their comments to be a vital part of the discussion is to take a more economical and thoughtful approach. To commemorate this sea change, will disable commenting privileges tomorrow, starting at 6 a.m.

What Heaven Looks Like: Teens Dancing to 'Diamond Girl' on Dance Party USA

Rich Juzwiak · 03/19/12 11:25AM

This is my first post of my first day at Gawker, and this clip from a 1986 episode of the Philadelphia-based teen dance show Dance Party USA sums me up pretty well. I, too, turn feral whenever in the presence of a loudspeaker blaring Nice & Wild's freestyle classic "Diamond Girl." The girl most prominently featured starting at 1:13 is my spirit animal, especially for her self-administered blowjob head-holding move. I'm always doing that!

Dear Readers, Please Share Your Favorite Longreads With Us

Emma Carmichael · 03/15/12 12:15PM

Please excuse this brief interruption to your regularly-scheduled programming, but we have a quick announcement to share with you that we hope you'll find exciting: Gawker has teamed up with Longreads, the best source for long-form journalism (etc.) on the web, and we now have our very own page over there.

Random Person on Twitter Says You Should Go to This Comedy Show In Australia Tomorrow

Adrian Chen · 02/24/12 06:41PM

You may have noticed posting was a little sparse today on Gawker. That was mainly my fault: Today was my designated "Traffic whore" day, and I was supposed to post many cat videos and British tabloid stories about people being impaled in interesting ways, so that my colleagues could take time to concentrate on more in-depth stuff, like accurately predicting the reaction if various actors or actresses the day before the Oscars. Maybe Horse_ebooks cast a curse on me, or I ate a bad grape at breakfast. I just couldn't churn them out today.

This is the World Press Photo Of The Year

Danny Gold · 02/10/12 07:07PM

This stunning image of a woman in Yemen comforting an injured relative during demonstrations against Yemen's president won the World Press Photo Of The Year. Samuel Aranda, a 32-year-old Spaniard, took the shot on October 15 in a makeshift field hospital set up in a mosque.