
Fun Lovers Unite!

Alex Pareene · 04/28/16 09:17AM

Author and friend of Gawker Mac Montandon is behind Fun Lovers Unite!, an evening of music and comedy benefiting the Manhattan Chapter of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, happening Wednesday, May 11, at New York’s Highline Ballroom, featuring Yo La Tengo, Janeane Garofalo, and many more. Tickets, including a $20 ticket for students, are available here. In 2013, Montandon contributed the essay “A Hollywood Ending,” about the death of his brother and its aftermath.

Ashley Feinberg · 07/21/15 05:03PM

Hello! Were you or was anyone you know or were any of your children ever on Girls Gone Wild? If so, shoot me an email at

Tommy Craggs and Max Read Are Resigning from Gawker

J.K. Trotter · 07/20/15 10:55AM

Tommy Craggs, the executive editor of Gawker Media, and Max Read, the editor-in-chief of, are resigning from the company. In letters sent today, Craggs and Read informed staff members that the managing partnership’s vote to remove a controversial post about the CFO of Condé Nast—an unprecedented act endorsed by zero editorial employees—represented an indefensible breach of the notoriously strong firewall between Gawker’s business interests and the independence of its editorial staff. Under those conditions, Craggs and Read wrote, they could not possibly guarantee Gawker’s editorial integrity.

Gawker Is Removing Story About Condé Nast CFO

J.K. Trotter · 07/17/15 01:29PM

Yesterday, Gawker published a post about the CFO of Condé Nast attempting to pay a gay porn star for a night in a Chicago hotel. Today the managing partnership of Gawker Media voted, 4-2*, to remove the post. Executive editor Tommy Craggs, who helped edit the piece, and President Heather Dietrick, who reviewed and cleared it before publication in her capacity as Gawker Media’s chief legal counsel, were the only partners who dissented.

J.K. Trotter · 02/23/15 07:45PM

Attention all MH370 conspiracy theorists: The journalist Jeff Wise has a big essay in New York magazine detailing his personal theory for why the aircraft disappeared nearly one year ago. Even better: Wise will be dropping in tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. EST to discuss the essay (and more) with Gawker readers.

Darren Wilson Finally Resigns from Ferguson P.D.

Tom Scocca · 11/29/14 06:43PM

Darren Wilson has reportedly announced his resignation from the Ferguson, Missouri, police department, issuing a letter in which he writes that "my continued employment may put the residents and police officers of the City of Ferguson at risk, which is a circumstance that I cannot allow."

Welcome to Temporary Gawker

Emma Carmichael · 10/30/12 09:55AM

Hi there. Our servers remain down due to storm damage, but we'll be posting here until is up and running. Thanks for your patience.

The Purpose of Gawker

Nick Denton · 10/15/12 01:53PM

This memo, intended for Gawker Media employees, was published on earlier today. In the interest of sharing our mission to bring editorial and commercial conversation with our readers — those who, under our new discussion platform, truly control it — it is being republished in full here.

Gawker is Looking for Fall Interns

Leah Beckmann · 08/22/12 10:00AM

Gawker is taking on a gaggle of paid fall interns, beginning in September. If you are: interested in blogging and journalism, New York-based, familiar with Gawker's tone and content, a good writer, a quick learner, and overall an excellent human specimen, this is the internship for you.

Greetings From the West Coast Editor

Cord Jefferson · 08/06/12 04:10PM

Ahoy, ahoy. My name is Cord Jefferson, and today is my first day at Gawker. You may have seen some of my work on the site before (and maybe on Jezebel and Gizmodo, too), but today I'm coming on full-time as your West Coast Editor. I live in Los Angeles, and thus will be the first California staffer since Seth Abramovitch left in January. I'm also the first staffer (on record) to watch hardcore pornography in Fred Willard's favorite Hollywood peep show. You can read my full bio here and see a rundown of some of my other work here.