Gawker is now hiring Editorial Fellows for our New York office.

This position has been filled. Please watch for new hiring announcements.

Editorial Fellows are Gawker's entry level editorial positions. The ideal Editorial Fellow candidate is a strong writer with a discerning eye for newsworthy stories, has a keen sense of Gawker's voice, lives in New York, and won't give us any lip.

The essentials:
• You should want to be a journalist or reporter or writer or something of the sort when you grow up—prior experience in media is a plus.
• Basic knowledge of Photoshop, FinalCut, and HTML.
• Over 18 with the legal ability to work in the United States
• Willingness to learn. We don't expect you to know everything when you get here, but you should be willing to put the work in to figure it out.
• Ability to commit four days a week.

The stuff you'll be doing:
• Research and reporting: Learning how to pull together lots of different kinds of information from multiple sources for editors
• Spotting stories: Learning how to find and pitch stories from multiple sources and leads
• Some video editing
• Other things

Editorial Fellows are paid, hourly employees. And if you're really good (and lucky), one day you could be promoted to an Editorial Assistant.

If you think that sounds like something you're into, send an email to with the subject "Editorial Fellow" telling us a little bit about yourself. Please include a writing sample and a resume, both PASTED into the email. (It's okay if it looks weird. Just no attachments. Seriously. None.) You've got until Wednesday, January 23rd to apply.


This position has been filled. Please watch for new hiring announcements.