
Sorry, It Looks Like Lobsters and Crabs Feel Pain

Hamilton Nolan · 03/11/14 09:06AM

David Foster Wallace's famous essay "Consider The Lobster" explores unsettling questions about how much pain lobsters feel when we cook them. By law, that introductory sentence must be on this blog post, which is about new research into whether lobsters and crabs feel pain.

Pope Francis Blesses Porn Actor's Parrot

Ken Layne · 01/31/14 12:35PM

When an Italian porn star brought his parrot named Amore to see Pope Francis on Wednesday, the pope treated the green bird with the dignity and respect owed to any parrot. The bird received a papal blessing.

​Your Favorite Animal Planet Show Is Fake and Super-Abusive to Animals

Adam Weinstein · 01/22/14 03:26PM

Call of the Wildman, Animal Planet's blockbuster chronicle of a wildlife trapper, is one helluva romp. It's also a drama-staging, zebra-drugging, wallaby-kidnapping, raccoon- and bat-killing crock of shit, according to a disturbing new in-depth investigation by Mother Jones.

Adam Weinstein · 01/07/14 12:06PM

Why are so many ferrets being stolen in the U.K.? You can tell us your theories in the comments, but know this—if you ever get caught jacking a ferret, just say yours is not the one cops are looking for: "I'd suggest one ferret looks very much like another. That's going to be one of the issues at trial."

The Remarkable Tale of Hunter, the Real-Life Rescue Dog

Ken Layne · 11/19/13 11:38AM

Wives and husbands come and go, children leave, friends fade into abstractions on Facebook. The dog is generally there for life, all of his or all of yours, whichever comes first. Hunter, who died Sunday night at home and surrounded by his people, was there for life. It was really his second life, which began when I pulled his numb body from a freezing, half-empty swimming pool 10 years ago this month.

Fast-Evolving Foxes Prepare To Wipe Out Humanity

Ken Layne · 10/15/13 01:00PM

The fox is a clever beast, famously outsmarting human and animal rivals in ancient fables, recent movies and a current Top 10 song. Humanity's relationship with the fox has long been balanced between bemused tolerance and "let's shoot them for fun and raise them in cages, for fur." But there are abundant signs that the foxes have had quite enough of people, and are making coordinated global moves to take over civilization.

Swino, the Beer-Stealing, Cow-Fighting Australian Pig, Is Dead

Camille Dodero · 10/07/13 02:10PM

Swino the feral pig was a happy drunk. An Australian boar who roamed free among the Pillbara wilds, he managed to live an undetected hobo's existence for years, sleeping under the stars and feasting on strangers' trash until one fateful evening, when Swino embarked on a bender few men could match. In one night, the hog stole 18 beers, rumbled with a cow, and swam a glorious victory lap in a nearby river, all for the benefit of bemused spectators.

Say Hello to Sir Stuffington, Your New Favorite Cat Pirate

Camille Dodero · 09/20/13 07:35PM

Sir Stuffington is a cat pirate. As legend has it, he sailed the high seas in search of buried catnip treasure, conquered doggy islands, and raided mouse villages. He lost his right eye in a swordfight with a flock of mutated seagulls and broke his jaw in battle with a sea monster. In fact, he was one of the most feared feline plunderers in kitty-pirate history—until one fateful night, when his lady love's captors spayed and neutered her, and the distraught Sir Stuffington got so drunk he crashed his ship.