
Smoke Monster

Max Read · 08/26/10 11:36PM

[A bird flies past a cloud of smoke coming from a fire at a paint factory in Jandira, Brazil. No one was hurt, except for my soul, which shed a single tear at this image. Pic via AP.]

Golden Retriever and Dolphin are the Best of Friends

Whitney Jefferson · 08/26/10 05:30PM

Over in Ireland, a dog and a dolphin play together as if they were siblings. Why? As it turns out, the dolphin is grieving because its mate passed away and became friends with the dog because it was lonely. Aww!

Warning: This Owl Is Epic

Matt Cherette · 08/26/10 03:04PM

The headline here pretty much says it all. You've been warned. You're about to watch a video of an epic—in both the coolest and scariest sense of the word—owl set to some epic music. Epic? Epic. Video inside.

You Could Be Eating This 'Frankenfish' in 18 Months

Max Read · 08/26/10 01:47AM

Hey, America: Time to get excited! Why? Because a year and a half from now you could be eating the very first genetically-modified animal approved for public consumption: The AquAdvantage® salmon! Assuming it passes the approval process, which began Wednesday.

Ridiculous Horse Names Make for Unintentionally Hilarious Commentary

Matt Cherette · 08/25/10 01:45PM

A recent New Jersey horse race included competitors named Lady Mutada, Little Miss Macho, My Wife Knows Everything, and My Wife Doesn't Know. With that in mind, it's obvious that the announcer's commentary made for hilariously inadvertent comedy. Video inside.

Developing: Rats Can Be Cute

Matt Cherette · 08/25/10 12:37PM

This is something you don't see every day. Or ever, really. A rat, named Tinkerbell, shampooing herself in her owner's sink and—someway, somehow—actually looking cute while doing so. Rats being cute? Buh? The surprisingly adorable video is inside.

World's Angriest Cat Is Not Amused By His Birthday Song

Matt Cherette · 08/24/10 03:10PM

Here's a video of a cat—a seemingly very, very angry cat—being completely unamused by the adorable, "Happy Birthday!" song that his owners (or owners' kids?) are singing to him. That said, since when do cats have birthday parties?

Scientists: Being Gay Is Good, if You're a Bird

Max Read · 08/23/10 11:43PM

At least 130 different species of birds "are known to engage in homosexual behavior." Scientists now think this may be because "homosexual behavior" is evolutionarily beneficial. Not to mention totally hot.

Dolphin Safe, Too

Max Read · 08/23/10 10:47PM

[Biologists rescued this baby pink dolphin—one of many trapped by low water levels thanks to a drought—from the Pailas river in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Pic via AP.]

Woman Caught on Video Throwing a Cat into a Garbage Bin

Matt Cherette · 08/23/10 03:06PM

This is truly sick: here's surveillance footage from outside of a school in Coventry, England that shows a woman walk up to a cat, pet it for a few seconds, and then pick it up/throw it into a garbage bin.

This Is the Most Effective HIV-Awareness Commercial Ever

Matt Cherette · 08/23/10 02:09PM

Bears are cute! Well, people in bear costumes, at least—especially when they walk around with big smiles/hug people. But did you ever think about who's under the costume? Using that concept, here's the most effective HIV-awareness ad ever.