
Here Is a Baby Monkey Riding Some Sort of Pig Creature

Matt Cherette · 09/09/10 12:41PM

Straight out of Japan, here's your WTF—and BAWWWWW ZOMG SO CUTE!—video of the day. Inside, watch a baby monkey get a literal piggyback ride on some sort of furry Sasquatch reindeer-like pig creature thingy. Yay, animal videos!

This Is Not How to Walk a Dog

Matt Cherette · 09/07/10 05:30PM

Walking a dog should be simple. You put the leash on the dog, and then you walk it. But what if the dog was so lazy that it wanted to do nothing but lay on its back? The result, inside.

This Corgi Loves The Beatles

Gene Delsener · 09/06/10 04:00PM

Meet Kinney, the Beatles-loving corgi that only responds to the Liverpudlian accent and nothing else. In the next installment, the owner's wife shows up and goes all Yoko.

Cat Versus Bean Bag Filling

Eleni Crush · 09/06/10 10:00AM

What do you get when you put a cat in a tub full of bean bag filling? This morsel of cuteness. Video inside!

This Baby Bear Needs a Tissue

Tom Dobrowolski · 09/05/10 02:15PM

Watch as this little bear finds itself unable to stop sneezing. Better get your chuckles in now, because in five years this bear won't take too kindly to your laughter.

It's Socially Acceptable for Monkeys to be Alcoholics

Tom Dobrowolski · 09/04/10 03:00PM

So much like us yet so different. Monkeys who drink heavily make better leaders and are respected more highly among the group. Unfortunately Deputy Jenkins says that standard doesn't apply to humans.

New York's Third Plague: Skunks

Hamilton Nolan · 09/03/10 08:00AM

Beleaguered New York City residents, already on the lookout for bedbugs and raccoons, must now beware of skunks, which wander boldly through uptown Manhattan, daring you to make one false move. What next, alligators? We're hoping for alligators. [NYT; Pic]

What Are These Overexcited Otters All Jazzed Up About?

Whitney Jefferson · 09/02/10 02:16PM

Next question: Why do they sound like your dog's favorite chew toy? Third question: Otters can jump? The answers don't really even matter because you'll simply be blinded by cuteness while watching this video. Promise!

Suicidal Cow Plays Chicken With Oncoming Train

James O'Donnell · 09/01/10 03:18PM

It's an age old question. What happens when an unstoppable train meets an innocent cow? This video—featuring a speeding train and a cow waiting around on the tracks—will attempt to answer that question.

Cancer Testing Catches Up with Tasmanian Devil

Jeff Neumann · 09/01/10 04:49AM

Cedric the Tasmanian devil, who was hailed in Australia for being immune to a facial cancer that threatens to kill off his entire species, was euthanized after being injected with diseased cells and growing tumors. He was five years old.

Watch Two Monkeys Have Sex on the Hood of a Moving Car

Matt Cherette · 08/31/10 05:25PM

Here's something you don't see every day: amateur video, shot from the inside of a moving car, that shows a monkey just chillin' on the hood. But wait! Along comes another monkey—take a guess at what happens next.

Puppy Does Splits While Antagonizing Cat

Emily Chen · 08/31/10 11:45AM

Did you get your daily dose of cute yet? This little French bulldog puppy does the cutest doggy splits ever. Unfortunately for him, his little feline friend isn't amused by his antics.

Cat Makes an Accidental Swan Dive

Matt Cherette · 08/29/10 02:55PM

For this kitty, a hard choice must be made: will it jump into the sink, where a narrow garbage disposal may suck its paws in, or will it swan dive into a flip-top garbage can instead? Find out inside.

And Now, a Chihuahua Playing Pool

Matt Cherette · 08/27/10 04:57PM

Can you tell that it's Friday afternoon? Fresh from the abyss known as the "World Wide Web," here's a video of a chihuahua playing pool. Bonus: the little guy growls at each ball before he sinks it in the hole.

Corgis on a Treadmill? Corgis on a Treadmill

Matt Cherette · 08/27/10 02:26PM

Dogs! Cute dogs! Cute dogs using exercise equipment! Yay! Anyway, here's a video of two adorable Corgi pups workin' on their fitness with a whip, snap, grin on their faces, and just enough tongue-wagging to complement the rest of it.

Sedated Tiger Cub Found Inside Luggage with Stuffed Animals

Jeff Neumann · 08/27/10 05:02AM

Last Sunday a Thai woman was stopped at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi International Airport when security screeners saw x-ray images of bones among a stash of stuffed tiger toys in her luggage. Inside they found a drugged two-month old tiger cub.