
Sleepy Puppy Can't Not Sing Along to His Favorite Frozen Song

Hudson Hongo · 11/30/14 05:00PM

You know the feeling: Sure, it's been a fun night out, but you have to work in six hours and you're fading fast. Then suddenly—like a kind of magic—Your Jam comes on and instantly you're back howling with the best of them.

This Ferret's Big Beautiful Ambition Would Make God Cry

Jay Hathaway · 11/20/14 06:49PM

The ferret's grand ambition was this: to escape his exile on the table and fly free across the great chasm, to the far-off ironing board. His owners ruled everything he could see, but surely they could not rule the sky.

Try As He Might, This Little Pug Will Never Turn Into a Motorcycle

Andy Cush · 11/13/14 12:35PM

Pug, we've been over this: yes, you're slightly more aerodynamic when you crouch like that, and yes, that weird thing you're doing with your tongue does sound a lot like an idling V-twin engine, and no, I don't understand the pink rag on your head, but I'll admit that it's cute as hell. Still, none of that makes you a motorcycle. You're a dog, damnit. A dog.