
Angelina Jolie Wants to Cross the Sahara on a Camel

Max Read · 07/30/11 10:43AM

Angelina Jolie is planning on abandoning her kids in the desert. Amy Winehouse's clothing is distributed. Casey Anthony's seeking treatment. And another grandkid of Queen Elizabeth II is getting married. Saturday gossip is here.

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux Shacking Up Already

Lauri Apple · 07/23/11 11:36AM

Jennifer Aniston and her still quite new man go house-hunting. Arnold Schwarzenegger just signs whatever papers are in front of him. Lindsay Lohan partied with the Muscle Milk people at a beach. Today's Gossip Roundup is acting irresponsibly.

Brangelina 'Are Like Prisoners,' Says Matt Damon

Maureen O'Connor · 07/20/11 10:47AM

Matt Damon speaks for Brangelina. Brangelina feed their children crickets. Chris Brown parks in a handicap spot. Leo's mother advises against Blake Lively. Timberlake pulls a diva move. Wednesday gossip fights for its rights.

Angelina's Evil Plot to Steal Another Man From Aniston

Maureen O'Connor · 07/07/11 10:45AM

Angelina seeks the "coup de grace" of Aniston life-destroying. Blake Lively moves in with Leo DiCaprio. Lil' Bow Wow has a secret daughter. Elisabetta Canalis bounces back from George. Thursday gossip is a stone-cold assassin of hearts.

Amy Winehouse's Website Hacked by 'Swagger' Police

Maureen O'Connor · 07/01/11 10:41AM

Amy Winehouse's website falls at the hands of race-obsessed Lil' B fans. Lindsay Lohan blames "pyschotic paparazzi" for her woes. A teen idol confesses to doing blow with Michael Jackson. TGIFriday gossip.

The Meanest Julia Roberts Story Ever Written

Maureen O'Connor · 06/22/11 10:35AM

You are a terrible person for reading this nasty story about America's sweetheart. Ashlee Simpson has a new boyfriend. Ryan Dunn drank picklebacks before he died. Steve-O recalls doing blow with LiLo while she was in rehab. Wednesday gossip is a big mistake. Big. Huge.

How Brad and Angelina Talk to Their Kids About Sex

Max Read · 05/29/11 09:20AM

Brad and Angelina tell their kids they need some privacy. Tony Romo and a Crawford tie the knot. (Chace?) Estella Warren escapes a felony charge. Sunday gossip is getting the air conditioner out of storage.

Schwarzenegger's Alleged Mistress Count Continues to Rise

Maureen O'Connor · 05/20/11 11:05AM

Arnold's former underage fling describes several other affairs, one of which Maria supposedly knew about. The Brangelina brood makes a "giant mess" in Cannes. Lea Michele throws a tantrum over a dress. It's TGIFriday gossip.

Gwyneth Paltrow Grows Salvia in Her Garden

Maureen O'Connor · 05/12/11 10:45AM

Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP garden plan raises eyebrows. Leo and Bar Rafaeli break up. Lindsay Lohan's probation report says she was secretly drunk this whole time. Thursday gossip catches Miley Cyrus' attention.

Angelina Jolie Hates the Sound of Her Own Voice

Maureen O'Connor · 05/06/11 10:41AM

Angelina Jolie is sick of listening to herself speak. Paris Hilton picks a fight with Lindsay Lohan. Penelope Cruz teaches a lesson on raunchy Spanish idioms. A famous person names his daughter "Mirabella Bunny." TGIFriday gossip.

Does Angelina's New Tattoo Mean She's Having Another Baby?

Maureen O'Connor · 04/06/11 10:00AM

Angelina adds a new coordinate to the tattooed list of her children's birthplaces. Charlie Sheen gets a standing ovation in Cleveland. Nick Cannon rather regrets taking "nasty" naked pictures with Mariah. Wednesday gossip is feeling broody.

Miley Cyrus Freaks Out at a Paparazzo, and Other Confrontations

Maureen O'Connor · 03/10/11 11:08AM

Miley Cyrus snaps at a paparazzo. Christina Aguilera returns to the scene of her public intoxication. Lindsay Lohan prepares for her big day in court. Brangelina's children "turn violent." Thursday gossip wonders what Lindsay Lohan will wear to court today.