It's been a pretty successful week in A-list celebrity relations for the Daily Mail, which just had to apologize to George Clooney after he accused the tabloid of making stories about his fiancée's family, and is now reportedly being sued by Angelina Jolie over a video taken 15 years ago by a man who claims he was her drug dealer.

The 1999 video was originally leaked to the National Enquirer by a former drug dealer named Franklin Meyer, who says he was at Jolie's apartment to drop off heroin and cocaine. The Mail ran the footage attaching their own logo to it, under the headline, "Bloodshot hollow eyes, emaciated arms and rambling on the phone: Haunting video of Angelina Jolie the heroin addict."

The Times of London reports Jolie has "started legal action" against the Mail and feels publishing the video, which reportedly shows her on the phone with dad Jon Voight, was a gross violation of her privacy.

Anonymous sources in the tabloid business—the best kind!—told the New York Daily News they're not sure why the video came out now when it's just rehashing old news.

"When the 2010 version of this story ran, that was a follow-up on an even earlier iteration of the same story," said one source who claimed to have seen Meyer's video years ago.

[H/T HuffPo, Photo: National Enquirer]