
Texas Coffee Shop Profits After Tweeting Homophobically

Lauri Apple · 07/02/11 05:12PM

Just after New York approved same-sex marriage, the Brown Coffee Company of San Antonio, Texas (does Texas allow same-sex marriage?) posted a Twitter that seemed not-so-coincidentally homophobic. People got mad, so Brown's clowns took that Twitter down and apologized. But they weren't sorry for long (ka-ching)!

Special Election Set for Anthony Weiner's Seat

Jim Newell · 07/01/11 04:34PM

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has set a special election date, September 13, for the vacant seat of ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner, who is going to Internet penis rehab. Prepare for extravagant memorializing displays from each candidate on 9/11.

Andrew Cuomo Will Make New York Fracktastic

Jim Newell · 06/30/11 02:33PM

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo became the nation's progressive superhero and pre-determined 2016 Democratic nominee for president just last week, with the legalization of same-sex marriage. So what's next for this once-in-a-generation liberal lion? How about ditching the state's moratorium on dangerous hydraulic fracturing for natural gas? Hmm.

Everything You Missed from New York's Celebratory Gay Pride Parade

Brian Moylan · 06/27/11 11:32AM

The passage of the marriage equality bill on Friday night couldn't have been timed any better, since it kicked off what was a celebratory Gay Pride weekend in New York City. Rather than a protest or political action, this year's parade down Fifth Avenue and across Greenwich Village was all about celebration. Who cares if the people in Middle America are scared by our drag queens, leather daddies, and dykes on bikes, this year was for us—and what a time it was!

Even Gay Marriage Requires Super-Rich Libertarians

Max Read · 06/25/11 11:25AM

The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal both have behind-the-scenes accounts of Gov. Andrew Cuomo's successful push for gay marriage in New York. And (surprise!) the key was a bunch of rich Republicans.

Will This New York Same-Sex Marriage Vote Ever Happen?

Jim Newell · 06/23/11 02:53PM

It's been difficult to follow the developments this week in the fight for same-sex marriage in New York. Someone on Twitter says "EXCLUSIVE: VOTE HAPPENING TONIGHT," and then five minutes later, "UPDATE: NO VOTE EVER." So let's try to make some sense of what's happening.