Sandra Lee, the celebuchef girlfriend of new New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, doesn't like to talk about her man. When a reporter asked why not at a press conference arranged to highlight her charity work, she left in a huff.

Lee held a presser on Tuesday to focus attention on New York's food pantries. The press release announcing the event boasted that Lee intended to "use her added notoriety as Governor Andrew Cuomo's significant other to raise awareness of hunger in New York State." But when one local reporter asked Lee whether "having the governor's ear" will help her fight hunger, she got this weird surprised look and said simply, "No."

When another reporter followed up to ask why she's so touchy when people ask her about Cuomo—"Why are you dodging little questions here and there when it comes to the Governor?"—Lee's flack shut the whole affair down before she could answer. Then the flack told the reporter, Sean Carroll of Rochester's ABC affiliate, that he wouldn't be allowed to ask Lee anymore questions or film her during a walk-through of the foodbank she was visiting: "I was told I could walk along with that tour but not ask any questions and my photographer had to leave."

This is not the first time Sandra Lee has inexplicably gone haywire when a reporter who is willingly giving her the publicity that she is asking for has the nerve to ask her about her powerful taxpayer-financed boyfriend. Strange lady.