
Woman Walking Across the U.S. Just for the Hell of It

Lauri Apple · 09/23/11 05:20AM

On today's episode of People We Envy, we feature Catherine Li: a 24-year-old woman who has spent the last seven months walking across America—across purple mountain majesties, above the fruited plain—with nothing but a shopping cart full of necessities and her adventurous spirit. We totally support her endeavor.

New York Post Disturbed By Lack of 9/11 Coverage On TV

Jeff Neumann · 09/12/11 04:00AM

If you had to think of one thing that stood out on the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, you would probably say there was a lack of television tributes, right? Funny, because that's how the New York Post sees it, too. Fact-based reporting from the paper:

Foreign Losers Declare America the Coolest Nation Ever

Richard Lawson · 09/06/11 12:57PM

The people at Badoo, a social networking site largely used by non-Americans, asked some 30,000 users to rate the world's coolest nation, and guess what? They chose America. OF COURSE they did. America wins, coolly!

The Worst 50 States in America: Day 6

Richard Lawson · 08/25/11 01:59PM

We've arrived at the penultimate installment of our effort to piss off absolutely everyone in the nation, which means we're entering the Top Ten Worst States in this gruesome nation. Will your state be found within? Let's find out.

The Worst 50 States in America: Day 5

Richard Lawson · 08/24/11 01:19PM

Another day, another group of terrible, awful states. Yes we're continuing on deeper into the muck today, bringing you states 17-11. Almost to the top ten! Where will the dump you call home rank?

The Worst 50 States in America: Day 4

Richard Lawson · 08/23/11 02:30PM

Bravely we soldier on, like Dante into Inferno, toward the worst state in the union. We reach the midway point today, folks, so abandon all hope ye who enter.

The Worst 50 States in America: Day 3

Richard Lawson · 08/22/11 01:30PM

We continue today in our journey to the bottom of the state-based cesspool that is America, praising eight more territories for their meager good and shaming them for their overwhelming terribleness.

The Worst 50 States in America

Richard Lawson · 08/18/11 01:20PM

America! Who likes it? It's merely a schizophrenic jumble of 50 warring personalities all vying to be number one. But of course they can't all be. So which state is the best? And more importantly, which one is worst? Well, we've set out to determine just that. Welcome to the Worst States in America.

Cop Obliges Shirtless Tractor Thief Who Wanted to be Tasered

Jeff Neumann · 07/19/11 05:30AM

Long gone are the days of tipping cows to wile away summer nights in rural America. Now it's all about doing stupid shit so you'll get Tasered. An Emmitsburg, Maryland man named Ronald L. Divel is facing charges of burglary and failure to obey a lawful order after he stole a man's tractor, put his juvenile accomplice in the wagon, and took off into a corn field. And, according to court documents obtained by the Frederick News Post, he resisted arrest in the cornfield because he wanted to be Tasered. Why not, right?

10 Things We Should Send Back to France

Brian Moylan · 07/14/11 04:31PM

Happy Bastille Day! For those of you who don't know, Bastille Day is the French ripoff of July 4th, but they hold it 10 days later so they can pretend like it's their own special thing. That's so like France! Anyway, today we're declaring our independence from these awful French things.