
Here Is the Gun That Got Ted Nugent's Wife Arrested

Camille Dodero · 09/05/13 08:20AM

One week ago, Shemane Nugent was arrested at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport after TSA agents found a .38-caliber handgun in her carry-on bag. Her lawyer justified his client's lapsed judgment as an “honest mistake” to the Dallas Morning News, explaining that the 51-year-old, who has a concealed-carry license, woke up early for her flight and “completely forgot or never knew the weapon was in her bag.” The firearm was loaded.

Rand Paul Is So Full of Shit About Being 'Detained' by the TSA

Max Read · 01/23/12 01:11PM

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (of the Paul Libertarian Blimp Empire) hates the TSA. It's his "signature issue" — his contentious questioning about the agency's aggressive security policies got him a lot of positive press among internet conservatives and libertarians last year. So must have been really excited, just, positively tumescent when TSA agents asked to pat him down this morning, and he refused. "Just got a call from @senrandpaul. He's currently being detained by TSA in Nashville," his communications director Moira Bagley Tweeted shortly after. The only thing is, though, Rand Paul was never actually "detained" by the TSA.

The Former President of India is Not a Terrorist, Guys

Max Read · 11/13/11 02:01PM

As a patriotic American, I understand that it's necessary for our safety to frisk any and all brown people who attempt to travel on airplanes. Even so, I think we can probably assume that it was unnecessary to frisk the former President of India. Twice.

Playboy Playmate Arrested for Bringing Loaded Gun to Airport

Maureen O'Connor · 08/11/11 02:43PM

Playboy Playmate Shanna McLaughlin—also known as "Miss July 2010" and the winner of PlayboyTV's Shoot Out reality show—was arrested at Orlando's airport today after TSA found a loaded .45 Colt revolver in a duffel bag that she intended to bring on airplane.

Brooklyn Man Kicked off Airplane for Swearing

Maureen O'Connor · 06/13/11 01:40PM

Sitting in an airplane on a tarmac in Detroit, lifelong Brooklynite Robert Sayegh turned to his seatmate and said, "What's taking so fucking long to close the overheard compartments?" Shortly thereafter, the pilot turned the airplane around. Police removed Sayegh from the plane for being "disruptive."

TSA Won't Grope John Boehner

Jim Newell · 11/19/10 06:30PM

Shortly after the election, incoming House Speaker John Boehner burnished his common-man cred by pledging to fly commercial, instead of using the private military plane afforded him. Nice. But he'll still be able to bypass the TSA's molestation routine.

Airport Fisting Photo Makes MSNBC's Front Page

Maureen O'Connor · 11/18/10 05:01PM

Silver lining to TSA's new crotch-groping policy: voyeurs have so much to look at! Check out this splashy photo display, showing a latex-gloved TSA agent squatting (on his knees?) with his arm submerged between another man's legs.

Pakistani Delegation Mistaken for Terrorists, Quits U.S. Trip

Max Read · 09/02/10 02:40AM

What could go wrong with a Pakistani military delegation flying from D.C. to Tampa for a meeting with the U.S. Central Command? How about getting kicked off a flight after being mistaken for terrorists by a scared passenger?