
Yes, There Are Two Penguins in First Class on This Airplane

Max Read · 03/09/12 11:50AM

Here's a video of two penguins — Pete and Penny — chilling in first class on a flight from Atlanta to New York, where they were guests at the premiere of Discovery Channel's documentary Frozen Planet. I'm thinking there are two joke possibilities here: something about "flightless birds" and something about how of course penguins would be in first class; they're always wearing tuxedos. Mostly, though, I think all planes should have penguins. [via Yahoo]

Make Flying Even Worse by Picking Your Seatmate on Facebook

Max Read · 12/19/11 12:10PM

In an effort to answer the question, "what could possibly make the act of traveling by plane worse without violating the Geneva Conventions," KLM is rolling out a new feature next year that will allow you to choose your seatmate. Through Facebook!

No, You Can't Look at Your Child Porn in First Class Either

Max Read · 11/27/11 11:48AM

Paying for a first class ticket earns you a lot of privileges that you won't get in coach. Free booze! Comfortable seats! Plenty of room! But there are still some rules that apply in both sections. Like, for example, the prohibition on checking out child porn on your laptop.

The Former President of India is Not a Terrorist, Guys

Max Read · 11/13/11 02:01PM

As a patriotic American, I understand that it's necessary for our safety to frisk any and all brown people who attempt to travel on airplanes. Even so, I think we can probably assume that it was unnecessary to frisk the former President of India. Twice.

When Air Travel Was Totally Cool

Brian Moylan · 10/03/11 03:45PM

With the new series Pan Am on TV, everyone is thinking about what air travel was like back when it was sophisticated. You know, the good old days when people dressed up to travel and airports were wonderful monuments of design. There are even pictures of this lost era!

Pissed-Off Acting Legend Pisses in Aisle of Airplane

Maureen O'Connor · 08/17/11 11:57AM

Gérard Depardieu was on an airplane with 100 other people and had to pee, but the flight attendant said he couldn't go until after takeoff. So the legendary French actor took matters into his own hands: He whipped out his dick and peed in the aisle. No, seriously:

Muslims Going to Anti-Prejudice Conference Kicked Off Plane

Max Read · 05/07/11 08:45AM

Memphis Imams Masudur Rahman and Mohamed Zaghloul had boarded a flight Friday morning when they were told the pilot wouldn't fly with them aboard. They were going to Charlotte—to attend a conference intended to "address prejudice against Muslims."

Revolt of the Elites: Junk-Touching Edition

John Cook · 11/22/10 03:34PM

More Americans think 9/11 was an inside job than oppose naked X-ray screenings at airports. But the ones who oppose the X-rays happen to have access to your televisions and computers, so America is freaking out about the TSA.