Paying for a first class ticket earns you a lot of privileges that you won't get in coach. Free booze! Comfortable seats! Plenty of room! But there are still some rules that apply in both sections. Like, for example, the prohibition on checking out child porn on your laptop.

Passenger Grant Smith, 47, of Cottonwood Heights, Utah learned this the hard way when he was spotted allegedly looking at "illicit images" on his laptop by another passenger. Things quickly went downhill from there:

The passenger alerted the flight crew, which then contacted state police. Troopers investigated the allegations and charged Smith with possession of child pornography, according to state police spokesman David Procopio. The investigation is ongoing and additional charges may be filed against Smith, Procopio said.


Delta officials contacted authorities just before 3 p.m. Saturday to report a male passenger "viewing pornographic images of children on his laptop computer during the flight," Procopio said in a statement.

Smith is scheduled to be arraigned Monday.

[; image via Shutterstock]