
Straight Dad Has World Rocked After Finding 'I Am Gay' on His Luggage

Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/14/13 12:35PM

A white, heterosexual, stay-at-home dad says he was forced to acknowledge his "trifecta of privilege" this past weekend after finding a gay slur stuck to his luggage following a flight and feeling the degradation, shame, and humiliation homosexuals are made to feel "every day over a lifetime."

Hindu Man Mistaken for Muslim Refused Service by JetBlue

Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/23/13 11:40AM

New York-based data scientist Aditya Mukerjee admits that his physical appearance regularly ensures that he'll get hassled by airport security, but none of his past experiences with being "randomly selected" could have prepared him for the nightmare that ensued following a standard TSA pat-down earlier this month.

Cord Jefferson · 06/17/13 03:54PM

A man who caused a scare on a flight from Hong Kong today was taken into FBI custody after telling fellow passengers "he was poisoned, had secrets from the CIA and mentioned Edward Snowden's name a number of times." The CDC found no evidence of poison on the plane.

This Lazy Airplane Loader is the Living Embodiment of Monday

Neetzan Zimmerman · 06/17/13 03:03PM

Footage of an incredibly inept cargo loader at China's Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport haphazardly hurling boxes onto a conveyor belt suddenly took off today, almost exactly a year after it was first uploaded to YouTube.

Cord Jefferson · 06/17/13 11:42AM

A Newark-bound United Airlines flight from Hong Kong is carrying a passenger who claims to have "poisoned everyone on board." There is no evidence the passenger, who is being restrained, actually poisoned anyone, but this has all the makings of a good zombie movie opening.